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A trickle of blood dripped down Yoongi's cheek. He'd regret the day he made Yoongi bleed, ashes fell from the sky like snow, standing there shaking with a blade in his right hand, knuckles white as his jaw hurt from clenching his teeth together.

All he saw was red.

His smug face is what pissed Yoongi off even more, it was his wrong doing, he hurt Yoongi and everyone he cared about and it was going to end today.

His eyes rose to meet Yoongi's, he was the only one left. Their dark clothing now stood out against the white ashes, the fire now slowly burning, the smoke was pungent under Yoongi's nose. But that is the least of his worries right now, he stood proud as he waited for Yoongi to make the first move.

"Coward" Yoongi whispered under his breath as he took off running in the direction of the man, blade was steady in his hand as Yoongi lunged towards him, his sharp eyes focused on him, one swift swing of the blade as it made contact with his body, slicing through, blood splattered across Yoongi's face, the body was still poised as if nothing had happened.

"I will never belong to you" Yoongi said through gritted teeth, he smirked as blood slowly spilled from his mouth,

"Don't kid yourself, you always have" he coughed as his body fell to the ground. Still holding on to the blade Yoongi slid down with it still in his grasp. Tears filled his eyes. He thought this was over but it was only the beginning.

Yoongi withdrew his sword from the now lifeless body, wiping the blood from his cheek, looking at the now burning down Church, a place with so much beauty now gone, dusting the ashes off of his clothes he knew that this war was not over and he had to find the rest of them.


Slamming down the book, Yoongi yawned another boring history lesson about the Great War and not the Great War most people think of, Yoongi stays at an institute for the gifted, gifted in slaying demons and any other unholy beings to walk this earth. They want to protect the ordinary people of this earth while the fighters are called children of the vale, most are born into it, others are like the chosen ones, Yoongi was one of the chosen a mistake that happened when he was only fifthteen walking down a dark alley and he accidentally came across a demon feeding on a helpless human, most mundanes can't see demons or unholy beings, but Yoongi can.

He can't remember much of what happened that night, all he knew was he went to a boarding school where he learned about demonology and how to fight, combat and with weapons. Now he lives in an institute in Seoul with others like him but he still has to attend lessons and training as the demon world is always expanding, changing. 

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