C1 Teeth

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PARIS OF FRANCE, I'm Vanessa Alyv L, my mother has recently died because of cancer and my dad had left me out, I was homeless for a while no where to go.
The streets of people crossing walking with suitcases or backpacks or purses or more then ever, shopping bags. They were passing while i was sitting their. They just walked by it was hard, I have never felt this feeling before.
My dad has left me because he had no idea on how to take care of me, his mental health and ideal problems in general is just to hard to deal with, so he left.
I have no idea where he was or where he's at but I just hope he's safe and not out living what I use to live like, but before and then after some random woman has helped me and stand my ground.
"Are you lost?" She said.
"Yes, I'm a orphan and in need of care, could you possibly help me by any chance?"
"Well of course! I'm actually a person who works at a care of kids who are orphans or in need of care, we help many kids around our area" she said.
"That would be great! I'm really starving and need a shower" I was excited back then I was all in care and had the care that was needed I had to move out unfortunately and move to another place. My course of dreams were waiting to become,
I had money and probably could travel around the world and buy an apartment and start a new life, I have stayed at the health care for possibly a 12 or 14 years of life I am 22 years old and now i can fully be around the world with the fresh breathe in my face of the beautiful flowers and other new things to possibly explore.
I have been working for the years I was at the health care, working for money to be where I'm at now. Since I was at the health care I have been getting repeated dreams of my past, repeated, repeated, repeated.
I have took my pills and kept my mouth shut and have been possibly thinking that it would just go away, but it couldn't stop it ruined my mental health everyone has their happy days and then they bad days, right? I would constantly think I was all alone on this and that I couldn't get help, no one thinks or has the same things that happen to them theirs differences into things and that we weren't made the same, nothing is the same I thought. Why shouldn't I have a better past to beyond this part of thinking where it screws me up? Is this what happens when your father leaves you? Still on from this day I wake up and get nightmares. Let's just say that they haven't been happening much as recently which is pretty good. My mood strews in a pot mixing it's calories with no looking back it just happens. Thoughts and negative feelings, negative feelings and thoughts. I still live what I try to live through and try to find the best and make it happen before this worlds reality from my own two eyes disappear, when something is made it never gets to exist forever. Make it into something live in the something and then you will disappear along with something. It's hard to think why we give a single shit into this land or platform I mean who would? I have woken up from the sleep that I had it is currently 10 am I get out of my bed and grab a coffee, a toast and put butter on it, I grab a vinyl record I had a lot of vinyls i didn't know which one to pick, the Ponderosa Twins or Cocteau Twins. I picked the Cocteau Twins and listen to the alumb while sitting on a couch eating the toast and then taking a sip of the coffee.
I go to work at 12 I take the hour and try to do something freely before I go to work. I decided to go to the near by book store and by a book, I bought 3 books, surprisingly they were very cheap. The part I like about the books is their smell the fresh canes and similar to the smell of a new brand shoe. The smooth curves of its pages as it flips back and forth, but i love reading it's a big curiosity for me.
It does increase the vocabulary that been known since i was a kid.
Back before when I was a teenager it was been proven that it does get harder along as it goes the more you grow the more it gets. It's pretty normal for it to happen everyone is built like it but sometimes people aren't they are successful for what they want to earn and achieve and use life as a game to get to the final level.
They do work hard for it like they do with their responsibilities, some don't even work. They possibly couldn't get to the final level, they didn't care. It goes back around eventually just work hard for it,

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