C2 Delong Blood

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Afterwards, Once I was done with work I decided to take over a walk. I looked in a dark corner around a house or building, their was a body known by a smell that made me curious to go into the corner. But I was also thinking if I shouldn't go to the corner,
"Could it be a trap? What if I get stolen?" Thoughts came up to my mind but I'm for sure that I wouldn't.
I don't think I would anyways, plus I have a pepper spray in my pocket and in defense mode. If someone does, I know my surroundings. I found a body with a stabbed knife on its chest with the woman's eyes closed, i rushed to see if she was okay or if she was still breathing. I checked her pulse and it stopped beating. It was dead the body was dead, she was dead.
I called 911 and told about the incident, sadly it looks like she was a only one she doesn't have anyone to be known for she is a only person and doesn't have a family like I did. She was unarmed and didn't have any type of pepper spray or a taser as defense she didn't come prepared. I don't really like seeing these things due to that it have happened once, I did have a sister she was going to get out something unfortunately she ended up just like the woman here. It's sad that everyone we trust or we know have to have their days where they won't be able to walk anymore or lose them out of sight, possibly things don't exist forever unfortunately ages do exist and depending on the age you are is the most likely you will get taken away or murdered from your own two eyes. But in my personal opinion age doesn't matter on what can happen to you, it basically happens to anyone and when I mean anyone I mean anyone. These things due effect me it's just sad to see it, it's not something that people like to hear about or well you know, yeah. I waited in the doctors room as a doctor came out the room I started to peak through the hole that the doctor came out of and closes it.
"Thank you so much for telling us about this, unfortunately she is dead and will be placed in a body bag, do you know her by any chance? Or did you just recently found out of a random woman dead by the place you found her?"
"I saw her around the place I found her," I said
"I checked her pulse and it wasn't beating a single minute so I knew I had to take her to you."
"That's great to know I'm glad you did this as known I don't think she has anyone by her side thank you for coming in, have a great day. And also, what is your name? I haven't seen you around here." The doctor said
"Oh my name is Vanessa I'm 22 years old and just got by here, I usually go on adventures to seek new countries or places to know."
"Hm..I see. Well have a nice day "Vanessa".
"You too," I said

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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