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I get on the escape pod like Nat had told me to when a woman's voice rang out

"Costel." She calls in a worry. "We were in the market. Costel! Costel!"

I see a little boy, no more ten years old coming out of his hiding spot. I let out a sigh and leave to get him in case he is injured and to get him here safely.

"Come on, time to go." I mutter to him as I pick him up.

I turn around to see a fighter jet shooting at the people on the ground, coming straight for the boy I. I knew what I had to do. I turn my body to protect the boy, waiting for the bullets to hit, thinking about my Laura and our kids. I feel a gust of wind, but not the familiar painful sting from bullets hitting my flesh.

I look around in front of me, the boy and I are alive and uninjured by the bullets. I turn my head behind me as fast as I could to see Pietro, barely holding himself up on two feet, riddled with bullets. He looks up at me with a cocky smile, his grey eyes staring into mine. 

"You didn't see that coming?" He joked before collapsing onto the ground.

I felt a surge of guilt go through my body. That should have been me lying dead, not him.  I set the boy down and check Pietro, hearing Cap panting as he approached me. I look up at him sadly, blaming myself for what happened to the young man. 

Steve picks up Pietro's body while I take the kid back in my arms, carrying them to the escape pod. Steve lays Pietro gently on the floor next to some empty seats while I return the boy to his mother. I grunt, seeing blood on my hands as I go to lay on the seats next to Pietro.

"No, no, I'm fine." I mumble tiredly to a medic before fully laying down on the seats. "It's been a long day."

Once the ship landed somewhere safe, Stark approached me with a look everyone knew all to well. It was the look he had when a stupid idea popped into his head.

"So I checked the kids vitals." Stark started off. "And he is just barely alive. If we can get him to Dr. Cho in time, we may be able to save him with the tissue reconstructor and removing bullets if we need to."

"Damn it Stark." I snap at him. "You need to stop messing with life. Your vision with Jarvis, that was good, but what happened with Ultron wasn't. The kid's on the verge of death. Let him have his peace."

I then walk away from him and go home. When I get there, Laura is in the kitchen. When she hears the door close, she turns around with happy tears in her eyes. She quickly waddles up to me and hugs me. Cooper and Lila noticed I was home and ran up to hug me as well. We then heard water hitting the ground, and we all looked down. Laura's water had broken, early.

"Hospital." Was all I said, and she nodded.

I loaded Laura and the kids in the car and drove them to the hospital. I called Laura's parents to pick up Cooper and Lila at the hospital in case the labor went all night. We met them at the hospital, Laura being rushed into a labor room. I was allowed to go with her, leaving Lila and Cooper with their grandparents.


After a few hours, Nathaniel Pietro Barton was finally born. While I was holding little Nate, something went wrong with Laura. She started seizing, because of an infection that went unnoticed until now.

Nate was taken from me to be checked, and I was removed from the room. Natasha was waiting for me. She was the only person I told besides Laura's parents. She had a sad look on her face. She had excepted something I wasn't ready to. Laura wasn't going to make it.


Her funeral was full of I'm sorry for your loss's aimed at both me and my children. Natasha was a big help planning this and helping him with the kids.

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