So, someone did the math on how old Wanda and Pietro were in Age of Ultron, and they figured that they were 26 in the movie, not teenagers like many people thought.


Six months after Ultron

Over the last few months, things have become back to normal. Things were difficult, but relatively normal. Nat was a great help, especially with baby Nate.

I wasn't allowed back at work, not until they knew I was okay as well as my children, they don't want me burying myself in work and basically ignoring my children. I was grateful for that, but it felt like they were hiding something from me. I have been around lies and secrets for a long time to know when a few were flying around my head.

"How's little Nate?" I ask Natasha after she puts the down baby for his nap as well as Cooper and Lila.

"He's down for the count for now, what is it you really want?" She asked, seeing right through me.

"What is SHIELD hiding from me?" I ask her, hoping she would tell me right out, but knowing her, she probably wouldn't.

"Nothing." She stated. That was a lie.

"Really? You're lying to me. You know that I know when you're lying to me." I whispered to her, trying not to yell at her.

"I can't tell you." She whispers back. "Not yet at least."

"Why?" I asked, still whispering. "Am I not a high enough level? But you and I are the same and you know what ever the fuck their hiding."

"It's because what they're doing is something..."

"Dad, I'm not tired." We heard Cooper say from the door. "I'm to old for nap time."

"No you're not." I say to him quietly. "I'm not too old for them either. We can go to my bed and sleep in there, sound like a plan."

"Okay." Cooper said deflatedly. He probably wanted to stay awake and play games with Nat and I.

Later that night

Nate is still refusing to stay asleep for more than an hour, and it's been hard for me to stay asleep. I take what I can get though.

It was currently 2am and I was giving Nate a bottle when I could have sworn I saw Pietro in the window. It was probably my sketchy sleep schedule or something. The kid was dead, so it was impossible that he was actually there.

I heard calm knocking at the door, so I carried my son over to the door with me, and opened it to be greeted by Natasha. I wasn't really surprised because... I don't know. Since Ultron, her work hours at SHIELD were all over the place.

"I told you you don't have to knock anymore, you can just walk in." I tell her.

"Just being polite Clint." She deadpans. "Need any help or do you got it?"

"I got it." I sigh.

"I'll get it next time, you need your sleep." She tells me.

"So do you, you're the one working the weird hours." I retort.

"Yeah, well, I'm more used to the late nights than you are, so I have senority." She proclaims.

"Yeah, right." I scoff. "You gonna tell me what they're keeping from me?"

"No, I'm gonna go to sleep and help take care of your son." She stated then went to the guest bedroom to fall asleep.

I sigh and put Nathan back in his crib, him falling asleep again, and I go back to my room. I hear and feel a gust of wind behind me as I enter my room, but I brushed it off as my imagination of me being tired.

I wake up, feeling like something was off. I get up and nothing in my house has changed, except that Nat was gone. I honestly thought that she would atleast stay for breakfast before going to work.

I start breakfast and prepare Nate's bottle before the three of them wake up, knowing that they would wake up soon.

Is this worth continuing? I want to know of people are actually interested in this story. I may stop for a little before continuing if nobody wants me to continue right now.

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