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"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up! Our letters came!" Seamus announced screaming down the hall. As you arose from your peaceful slumber, taking in a deep breath of the crisp morning air, and hearing Seamus's feet trudge across the floor boards, it hits you. You were finally going to live out your dream and attend Hogwarts!
"Y/N, Come on before they take it back and leave you here!" Seamus yelled jolting you out of your daze of excitement. "Let me at least put pants on, Seamus!" you managed to let out between laughs. You darted out of you room and down the stairs, hearing Seamus one last time "Bloody hell Y/N, i didn't need to know that". "Yes, Seamus, yes you did" you replied in a serious tone managing to hold in your laugh.


Yours and Seamus's mothers had planned on taking you both to Diagon Alley to gather your school supplies. Unfortunately Seamus's mother couldn't tag along, she was helping his father who is having issues at his muggle job.

Your mother has always used apparation to get around, but since you and Seamus were newbies she decided to take you by floo.

You and Seamus excitedly ran over to the fireplace placing your hands into the bucket of powder and grabbing a small scoop.

You pushed your excitement aside for a moment to allow Seamus to go first. He walked into the fire place, turned around, smiled at you, and said "DIAGON ALLEY!" as he threw the powder down at his feet.

"Come on sweetie, it's your turn now. Don't be nervous i'll be right behind you." your mother said as she saw the scared expression etched across your face. "Ok, I can do this." you whispered to yourself as quietly as you could. You mother slightly shoved you towards the fireplace, "Yes, you can. Now all you have to do is say where you would like to go, loud and clear." Your mother said winking at you.

You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and spoke, "DIAGON ALLEY!". You opened your eyes immediately to see the back of Ollivander's and the sound of Seamus cheering you on, "WAIT TO GO Y/N!!!! You did it!" he said, clapping his hands together. You wrapped your arms around his torso hugging him tightly. He understood immediately and hugged you back. "Ok Y/N you're starting to squeeze the life out of me...", "Right, sorry" you said chuckling a bit.

Your mother appeared a moment or two later. As the three of you were walking out of the store you stepped on someone's shoe, "Oh, i'm so sorry!" you said in a apologetic tone. "Don't worry bout it, Love"the mystery person said, You looked up to see a tall red headed boy. He was very attractive, he had beautiful brown eyes, what seemed like perfect lips, and his red hair looking as soft as silk.

"Hello...you okay there?" the boy spoke again this time looking into your sparkling Y/E/C eyes. "Oh, Hi, i'm Y/N Finnigan.", there was a short pause "That's the perfect name for such a pretty girl, i'm George, George Weasley." you almost immediately blushed. "And this is my less handsome looking twin brother, Fred. Fred this is Y/N Finnigan." "Well hello there beautif-" he was cut off short as Seamus grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the store into the street.

"Seamus, I was in the middle of talking to somebody!", he looked at you and snickered. "You can go back to flirting when we get to Hogwarts, but for now your mother said we are running a bit behind schedule and we've still got to get our supplies." he said chuckling a bit. "I WAS NOT FLIRTING! Merlin, you can be so embarrassing sometimes!" you shouted as you covered your beet red face.

Seamus led you to your mother and you two collected all of your supplies. You were headed back to Olivander's to floo to Platform 9 3/4, when you dropped your transfiguration textbook. You turned around to grab it but it was gone. Your mother grabbed your arm and yanked you back towards the shop.


You and Seamus got onto the train and said your goodbyes to your mother. All of the compartments were full and you didn't know where to sit, Seamus had split from you to sit with a boy named Dean Thomas. You approached the last compartment, which thankfully had an empty seat, and entered. There sat a two boys, one with red hair, and the other with- your own thoughts had interrupted you. It was Harry Potter bloody hell the boy who lived, and he was sitting in the same compartment as you on the Hogwarts Express.

You introduced yourself to the two,"Hello, i'm Y/N Finnigan, you?" you pointed to the red headed boy as you calmed you excitement over Harry. "Oh right, Ron, Ron Weasley. This is Harry." he replied pointing to the other boy. You gave Harry a small smile and wave as you sat next to Ron. "Weasley, was it? Do you happen to have two brothers named George and Fred?" you asked curiously. "Bloody hell..what did they do now?" his voice cracking as he spoke. "Oh don't worry, I was just wondering. I bumped into them earlier at Ollivander's in Diagon Alley, and they seemed pretty nice." You giggled a bit at Ron's response to your question.

For the majority of the train ride to Hogwarts, you, Ron, and Harry talked laughing up a storm at Ron's attempts to use magic. Right as Ron was about to try to turn his rat Scabbers yellow, a girl with bushy brown hair burst through the door. "Have any of you seen a toad? His name's Trevor, a boy named Nevill-" she interrupted herself. "Oh, are you doing magic? Let's see it then." she stated as she glared at Ron with a smug smile on her face. Ron attempted to do the spell, but it immediately failed. The girl giggled and looked around the compartment to the rest of us. "I'm Hermione Granger, and you are?" she asked Ron. "I'm Ronald Weasley, that's Y/N Finnigan, and that's Harry-" Hermione interrupted Ron as he went from pointing to you to Harry. "MERLIN, HARRY? You mean HARRY POTTER? Of course, How could I be so stupid? It's a pleasure to meet you Har- you all." she corrected herself.

Hermione then joined us for the remainder of the train ride. Every so often she would interrupt Ron to talk to Harry or I and Ron would give her a quick glare, narrowing and rolling his eyes at her. As the train came to a stop you felt your heart begin to pound in your chest.

//I'll update as soon as I can//

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