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You, Ron, Hermione, and Harry all grabbed your trunks and headed off the train. The door swung open and you four were greeted by a large hairy man. "Why hello there Harry, Ah these yer friends?" We each gave Harry a confused look as he nodded smiling up at the man. "Hello, my name is Hermione Granger, This is Y/N Finnigan, and that is Ronald Weasley." Hermione finished sending a small smile to the man. "Ah another Weasley, well it's a pleasure to meet yeh, I'm Rubeus Hagrid but ya can jus call meh Hagrid."

Hagrid then continued to lead all the first year students towards the boats. You sat with Hermione and a girl named Hannah Abbott, While Ron and Harry sat with the boy named Neville that Hermione had mentioned earlier on the train


All the first years were running up the stairs to get to the Great Hall, with their stomachs growling. You were stopped at the top of the staircase by an older looking woman in a dark green dress. "Welcome to your first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I am professor Minerva McGonagall. Tonight the sorting ceremony will be held, when-" she was cut off as Neville shouted, "Trevor!...right...uh...sorry." his face turned pink as he looked up to see Professor McGonagall glaring down at him. You giggled quietly at Neville's actions. Moments after she continued "Right, as i was saying, when your name is called you are to come up and sit on the stool. I will then place the sorting hat upon your head, and you will be sorted into one of four houses. There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Once you are sorted you will sit at the designated table with the rest of your house."

The music started playing and the large wooden doors swung open. Professor McGonagall began leading the first years into the Great Hall. As you and your peers were walking down the center of the room you looked to your right and recognized two red headed boys. It was Fred and George, they both sent a quick smile at you as you passed. Merlin they were so cute, you thought to yourself.

Professor McGonagall began calling names. "Miss Hannah Abbott." Hannah was standing next to you, she looked at you nervously. You tried to comfort her by mouthing "Go on, you'll do great." and smiling. She slowly started towards the stool and took a seat. The room was silent, until McGonagall placed the hat on Hannah's head and it began to speak. "Ah Miss Abbott, very patient, hard working, and loyal, you'd do great in Hufflepuff. Oh, but what about Gryffindor...better be...HUFFLEPUFF!" The Hufflepuff table began cheering loudly for their new house member.

A few more students were called including Seamus, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. They were all sorted into Gryffindor. You were next. Your heart began racing at the thought of being sorted into Slytherin. "Y/N Finnigan." called McGonagall. You walked up to the stool and took a seat. McGonagall placed the hat on your head within seconds. It suddenly began speaking, "Another Finnigan i see, but where to put you. You've got the intelligence of a Ravenclaw, the ambition of a Slytherin, the honesty of a Hufflepuff, oh and the courage of a Gryffindor. Better be...GRYFFINDOR!" As you stepped down from the stool the Gryffindor table burst into a loud cheer.

Walking over to the table you noticed George shove Ron over and start to pat the seat next to him gesturing for you to sit. You sat down next to him and smiled. "Thanks for the seat." you said giggling quietly. "It was my pleasure, Love" he winked at you as he started chuckling. The table in front of you began filling with delicious looking foods, you joined the rest of the table in beginning your feast. The twins would crack a joke every once in a while making you almost choke on your mashed potatoes. At one point Fred shot milk out of his nostrils as George made fun of their older brother Percy.


As you finished your desert, Professor Dumbledore began to speak "Once again I wanted to remind you all that classes will begin tomorrow morning. Now off to bed to get a good nights rest." The food on the table vanished as the rest of the Gryffindors rose from their seats. Percy, being the house boy, led everyone up to the common room.

As you walked up the stairwell your eyes started gleaming with amazement "Woah..". George heard your expression and looked back at you, "Wicked isn't it?". You looked into his sparkling brown eyes and replied, "Very...i've never seen anything like it before." He grinned at you as you both continued towards the common room.

"Boys dorms this way and girls dorms that way, you will find that your belongings have been left on your beds. Now best get to sleep soon, lessons start at 9 am sharp." Percy stated pointing each group to there dorms. You and Hermione were about to head up to the dorms when Fred and George stopped you. "Oi, Y/N we almost forgot, here you dropped this in Diagon Alley." Fred said as George handed you your transfiguration textbook. "Oh, thanks boys!" you said pulling them both into a tight hug. Fred smiled as he pulled out of the hug "What lessons do you have tomorrow?", "Maybe we have some of the same classes.." George finished. "Let's see, I've got Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense Against the Dar-" you were cut off by both of the boys yelling, "YESSS, we are in your classes, how fun is that!" You laughed, "Oh so fun, anyways goodnight boys, i guess i'll see you tomorrow!" You said as you turned to go up to the girls dorms. "Goodnight Y/N!" They yelled in unison as you made your way up the stairs.

Each dorm had four beds, your roommates were Hermione, Alicia Spinnet, and Angelina Johnson. As soon as you opened the door to your dorm Angelina's eyes were on you. She was glaring at you with anger glowing in her eyes. Luckily, your bed was next to Hermione's on the far end and Angelina's was on the opposite end. You were curious as to why a girl that you never met hated your guts already. Was it because you were two years below her? it seemed like a stupid thought, but then again you don't know anything about this girl. It didn't bother you much either way, you were too excited about having classes tomorrow, especially now that the twins would be in the same classes.

FINNIGANS LUCK (Weasley Twins x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now