Chap 3: Uncomfortably awkward

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« How on earth did you end up here? Have you got no fear whatsoever? This is the lord MCLaughlin's manor, is it your intent to get ripped appart and fed to our animals? » said October in a very snobby manner as she elegantly walked near the gate...

Quite destabilized by her confident mannerisms, jay was at loss of words. I mean what exactly might he even respond to her? That he had been observing her for a while? No way on earth could he reveal such a disturbing and sneaky behavior to the beautiful girl standing before his eyes! Therefore he just kept quiet, and tried his best not to seem like a complete coward.

"Sir? Are you just going to keep standing there like an opinionated idiot? My question still stands, what exactly is your business hanging around our manor in such a carefree and grotesque manner?!"

At this exact moment, October was starting to loose her calm. Why wouldn't he respond? What exactly was he thinking? Was this the moment for her to make him disappear or something?

"My apologies My lady. How rude of me it is to snoop around your habitation this way. I will now leave you to your activities...Once again, I truly apologize"

Jay stated those last sentences as he did a slight reverence before getting back on his bicycle and driving off.

Her rosy cheeks heating up her face, October walks back inside the manor as Salem follows up behind her.

"Who was that?" said Molly, one of the maids.

"Oh Molly! No worries I was just... hmm... talking with Salem! I have came to the exciting conclusion that telling him stories would make him more... self aware!" Said October as she hurried up to her chamber

"That was close!" She pronounced as she shuts the bedroom door closed and lies down on her bed

"I was so scared Salem! That boy looked so scary! Well... not quite repulsive... he did look very attractive! That itself is however not the point! How did he get here?! I should probably tell Molly about this? Oh dear god no! She would get freaked out! I'd rather keep it to myself... I might have scared him away... I looked pretty intimidating back there!"

Although her mannerisms made it seem as if October wished to never see the young man again, she was eaten up inside by curiosity and couldn't get her hand onto how exactly she would relief such a unknown but also very familiar feeling.

Maybe meeting the original once and for last to have an occasion to question him about her very variously themed speculations would make her feel satisfied with the situation. But that unfortunately did not occur very soon after.

Following to their quite awkward and uncivil meeting, Jay started to take the regular road to school again, wishing to avoid at all cost to cross the manor and have the urge to see the young girl again. Her reaction although understandable, frightened him so much he was shivering while he rode his bike to school that day.

After such an encounter he most definitely could not concentrate the slightest bit at school, as he spent most of his classes daydreaming and wondering if perhaps he had offended or scared the lady in the manor.

That hypothesis was very plausible. Who exactly in their right state of mind would like to be observed without consent every day for weeks? No one. He therefore felt so embarrassed and guilty he decided to avoid passing by the shortcut for a while, and once he would finally build up the courage, ground himself enough and come up with a proper and adapted apology, he would go back in front of the gate to try and talk to the girl, or just leave her a letter if he was not confident enough.

"Jay are you okay? You haven't touched your lunch at all! Are you sick?"

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