Chap 4: Practice

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« Focus Miss McLaughlin! This is very serious, you are already 16 and still are unable to control your powers correctly! » says Miss Owens as she rubs her forehead in frustration

« Once again, make the bottle levitate for 30 seconds, CAREFULLY »

With as much focus as she could gather, October moved the bottle thanks to her telekinesis abilities. Unfortunately, she seemingly misheard the « carefully » part, as she projected the bottle to the window breaking it down.

« Oh lord... That's enough stability practice for today, let's move on »

Mind control.

This ability was one of October's favorites. Although the use of any of her powers outside of practice was forbidden to her until the age of 17, October did often find herself manipulating miss Owens thanks to it, to finish classes earlier.

Nothing too malicious here am I right?

« You're going to try and make me believe that this rock, is an emerald alright? Please do focus Miss McLaughlin, and be aware that your father will be informed of any inappropriate behaviors of yours. You may proceed. »

As you might have noticed already, being obedient is in no way one of October's qualities. Therefor, she commanded Miss Owens to leave the manor, thinking that she was done with her classes and that October had behaved extremely well today.

« Good grief, how many other times is this going to work?» said the 16 yo girl as she enthusiastically walked back inside the manor.

«Hmmm let's see... what should I wear today. Beige and white look amazing on dark skin.. I should maybe wear this dress... What do you think Salem?»

Obviously no answer was heard, as the cat casually meows while lying on October's bed.

«Miss Moly should put a spell on you to make you talk! I am so sick of talking alone!»

The young girl got dressed up into the dress she had selected and walked to her balcony where her art supplies were located.

October prepared her color palette, set up the canvas and with her usual self confidence in her art, painted the first line of her master piece.

Her mesmerizing technic made every stand of paint look charming. The colors she used for each elements enhanced the emotions she was trying to convey, as the bewitching picture was taking shape.

October sat there, all day without a pause, painting and working towards making an idyllic piece of art she could spend the next week talking about and be praised for by miss Molly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2020 ⏰

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