Chapter 26

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*Song of the Chapter: 'A Night To Remember - High School Musical 3'*

"Yeah, I was kinda jealous..." Cheska confessed the next day.

"I'm sorry, really. But you know what? We're just friends, trust me," I assured her.

"Of course! It's just sometimes you can't help but get jealous you know?" Cheska said and gave me a frustrated face, making me unsure if she was mentally beating me up with a metal pole or not.

"Yeah, I get the feeling," I agreed in a murmur.

So, it was settled. At least now that I explained to Cheska that there's nothing going on between me and Ethan, there's less to worry about. It's just Nathan. I hated seeing him hurt or anything like that. That's the main reason I stopped doing the 'jealous' plan I had after Halloween. It just made me hate myself as much as he probably hated me at the moment.

He's probably thinking I have developed a crush on Ethan over the weeks we've been hanging out. It's not that big of a deal but I just feel uneasy with making Nathan get confused in this but i'll just let things smooth itself through.

*     *     *     *     *

"Kate, can I talk to you alone please, just for one minute?" Cheska said, excusing me from my Art time teacher.

"Umm.. okay.." I said, really slowly. 

I hate tose 6 words, "Can I talk to you alone?" It makes my heart all jumpy but not in a happy way and it gets even worse when you feel like it's gonna be something bad.

"What's up?" I said, as soon as we were outside and took a long shaky breath, wiping my sweaty hands on my shorts.

"Okay, I'm not supposed to tell you this but...." Cheska said, trailing off, not certain whther she was mking the right choice or not.

"Tell me now," I demanded, getting quite curious.

"Okay, well, um, Nathan's planning to ask you to.. uh.." Cheska said, trialing off once again and just staring at me tentatively, watching for my shocked and happy reaction.

"Oh my god, what? He's gonna what?!" I said getting more and more curious by the second.

"Um, to .. prom," she said.

I screamed then said, "WHAT?!"

Cheska was nodding her head up and down like a bobble head when someone pressed it down with their finger then let it go.

"Yeah! He's like, 'I'm planning to take Kate to prom.' He was even practicing with Lizzie for the future when he dances with you!" she said and gave me a smile.

I was shaking. My palms were getting sweaty and my stomach filled with butterflies. My head swarmed with so many questions and worries. I had so much questions to ask but all I could make out was an awkward squeak.

"Yeah, omg.." Cheska said giggling, relieved that I didn't choke her to death or something.

"But we're not part of the prom... Right?" I asked, and grabbed her hands, trembling.

"Dude calm down.. yeah but he can still ask you out to be his date," Cheska said, patting my back then said in a worried tone, "I have to go, don't tell them I told you okay? Your not supposed to know."

"O-okay," I said, barely having any energy to move back into the art room.

I sat down, still shaking. My mind was filled with questions. I was so dizzy I could practically see 5 Nathan heads floating around my head and crowning me like a little halo. My stomach filled with butterflies. 

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