A World of Possibilities

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You would think it would be difficult or even "fun" to work at the number one hero's agency, but in reality, it's boring, so unbelievably boring. Well, I guess it depends on the job you work for. If you're a sidekick, that would be enjoyable, but as for Y/N, well, she works as an economic organizer. Y/N organizes and sorts the profits of the agency so she barely gets any recognition by anyone. She hasn't even met the guy, Endeavor, himself. That's how you know her job is the lowest of the low. Y/N doesn't really care about all that fame and fortune though, as long as she can get by, she's fine with that.

With her quirk, Elemental*, Y/N could definitely become a hero. She can control all the elements in the world, which is pretty destructive, but of course using such a powerful quirk has some really bad counter effects. She decided not to use it from a very young age because she saw it. The fear in everyone's eyes when she first developed her quirk. She accidentally surrounded some kid in her kindergarten class with a mix of concrete and water and was sent home immediately. She saw the fear in her parents eyes before they threw her out on the streets with nothing but herself. You can tell when someone's scared. Their pupils will get a tad bit bigger than they normally were, but a normal person couldn't catch these things. Y/N learned at a young age to put away her quirk around people for good, and she hasn't used it in front of anyone since. Thus, most people deemed her as quirkless. Y/N has learned to control her quirk since then though, training in her grandmother's backyard all day everyday since she was homeschooled.

Y/N's grandmother was the greatest woman in the world. She had a similar quirk to hers and helped her control it. She was kind, sweet, and everything in between. She taught Y/N everything she knew and even helped her get her hero license. Although she didn't want to be a hero, you gotta admit having a hero license has its perks. After getting her hero license, Y/N managed to pull a job at Endeavor's agency and she now lives comfortably in a little apartment near the agency.

Her routine was repetitive and monotone, but Y/N didn't complain about it. She usually woke up, ate breakfast, showered, got ready for work, worked, came home, ate dinner, then slept. She got used to the crushing reality of boringness as an adult, and the only really exciting part of her day was mingling with her coworkers.

Y/N was working in her cubicle like usual, the sound of papers moving and keys clicking filling the room, when she suddenly received a call from her manager.
She picked up the phone quickly, "Y/N, please come to my office, it's for urgent business!"
"That's odd. She never calls me to her office. Urgent business? What if I get fired?!" the girl thought.
"I'll be there soon!" Y/N  nervously replied into the phone. *beep*.
She quickly got up and headed to the manager's office. She was a little nervous as she opened the door, but that all went away as she was greeted with her manager's sweet smile.
"Y/N, I've got exciting news for you! We needed a representative for the economics department to head to Kyushu for a little business trip. You're by far my favorite employee and I trust you can represent us well. How 'bout it? You'll just need to attend some meetings."
"Well that was certainly a surprise. I thought I was about to get fired or something." 
Y/N replied, "Really? That's great! I'm glad you trust me with this. I'll definitely accept the offer!"
"Great. I'll give you the details over text tonight. Thank you for your cooperation, Y/N."

thus starts the story that includes my horrible writing :,)

*I'll have a full quirk explanation next chapter :)

hope you enjoyed this! It was my first time writing a story like this so-

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