Driving-All 7 (HC)

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a/n: some headcanons for these difficult times because i was thinking about the boys doing mundane human stuff lol,, hey y'all thought i would publish my obey me writing, too!! this is probably the only book i'll do HCs for also try not to comment spoilers if you could some of us are not caught up in the story (me lol) bc lets be honest it kinda takes forever to get thru the story if i write anything with story spoilers i'll try to mark it but u can be sure they'll only be up to like lesson 21ish so,, hope y'all enjoy nonetheless :) 


-Drives the most out of the seven mainly because he doesn't trust the others to not kill everyone in a car crash
-Rules of the Road™️ 
-Seriously tho this man will not break a single law even if he's late
-Honestly, it's like driving with a grandpa (i love him but-)
-Car does not move until everyone is buckled up especially MC
-Turns into an old man while talking about gas prices lmao 
-He WILL turn this car around if his brothers are arguing/messing around
-No one eats in his car not even himself (might make an exception for MC but he's stubborn about it)
-Has those little car scent things that you hook onto your vents lol 
-His car is very clean inside and out 
-His car is also always in tip-top shape but he takes it to a mechanic because he has no idea what he's doing lol
-He enjoys taking MC places but if his brothers ask he'll hesitantly accept demanding gas money
-Almost never drives by himself because his brothers always need smth or he's with MC
-If he's feeling risque he'll take a hand off the wheel to place on MC's thigh but I'm telling you it will take him a while to because Safety™️


-Mans is not allowed to drive
-But when he was 
-What's a speed limit? A recommendation, right?
-Jesus, take the wheel
-Okay he's not THAT bad but the boy is a speedster 
-Safety is none of his concern but will always make MC wear their seatbelt cause even if he won't admit it, he'd be in agony to see MC hurt
-Mans hand is definitely on MC's thigh (as long as their comfy with it) If not he will keep turning to look at them every time he's stopped
-Loves driving with MC, hates driving with his brothers (mostly cause they scream at him the whole time lmao)
-Again Jesus take the wheel 
-Has gotten into so many accidents jeez sir
-The last straw™️ when Lucifer banned him from driving was
-Mans was not paying attention (as per usual) AND was speeding (smh mammon) while he was driving in a parking lot and then crashed into like five cars and somehow ended up blowing up two of them
-No one was hurt (thank Jebus otherwise Lucifer would have had his head) but still he BLEW UP TWO CARS
-Also holy moly he is a backseat driver and will not relent (especially when Lucifer's driving lmao)
-Also I KNOW this mfer has some cheesy ass fuzzy dice or something similar hanging around his rearview mirror


-He RARELY drives (unless of course, MC asks him to)
-You know he's playing some anime car chase music 
-Very obedient to the rules of the road™️ but also is very lax about them aka if he's running late yeah he's gonna speed lol
-He has the most aesthetically pleasing car you'll ever see
-The outside of his car is squeaky clean
-But inside the back seat is full of packages and bubble wrap 
-He loves driving around at night, listening to music, and hanging out with MC
-Definitely holds MC's hand while he drives
-Definitely has like a Ruri-chan dashboard doll thing
-Has some ungodly thing hanging from his rearview mirror lol
-If Ruri-chan has an air fresher he's got it


-Fucking Tokyo Drift™️
-Okay not really but he's a casual speeder
-Follows almost all the rules of the road™️ except that he speeds
-Always makes sure MC is wearing their seatbelt 
-Listens to classical music while he drives
-Fucking jams out to the Nutcracker (cause honestly same Satan)
-Holds MC's hand while driving
-Likes driving at night/in the rain cause Aesthetic™️
-Definitely has an environmentally friendly car
-His car is also definitely small
-Definitely has cat stickers littered over the back of his car 
-Probably has some cat version of a dashboard hula doll lmao
-His car is relatively clean inside and out minus the random cat toys and food he has in there (in case he sees strays)


-Also not allowed to drive lmao
-But when he was
-There is no way his car is not pink
-Custom leather seats (that are also pink)
-This man does not know what any of the laws are
-Every time he stops, he's checking himself out in the mirror
-When he was allowed to drive he barely did (mainly cause he can't be bothered to)
-Got into a handful of minor accidents
-Parking tickets (this man owes the government more money than he could ever possibly comprehend, good thing he doesn't live on earth)
-His car is definitely littered with makeup products
-Blasting some shitty pop that's easy to sing along to
-And boy does he sing along to it (and let's be honest so does MC)
-He crashed into a tree and totally wrecked his car and so Lucifer banned him from driving
-When he's with others he likes to be in control of the radio


-Drives the most after Lucifer (mainly cause he's the only one Lucifer trusts to drive)
-He doesn't hate driving but he doesn't really like it until he meets MC
-Loves to drive MC anywhere and everywhere they ask him to
-LOVES loves loves to get drive-thru food and either park in a lot or some scenic area and eat with MC
-Multi-tasking master of eating and driving
-Beel almost always has a milkshake/smoothie in hand while driving
-You know he has drinks and snacks throughout his car because a boy is hungry™️
-Depending on MC's preference he'll either hold their hand or hold (yes hold) their thigh
-Has some fruit-scented air freshener hanging from his rearview mirror
-Has some tacky cartoon food bumper stickers
-Even if he's a tall, tall boy his car is small
-His car is probably orange or red
-The only one of the brothers who knows how to fix his car himself
-Oh my god just imagine a grease-stained Beel oop-
-Definitely don't imagine him on a roller rolling out from under his car dressed in a tank top and covered in grease 
-okAy bYE


-Never drives
-If he does it's a miracle
-Also if he drives it's most likely at night
-Again depending on MC's preference he'll either hold their hand or keep a hand on their thigh
-Either speed demon or old man there is no in-between
-The outside of his car is dirty
-The inside is filled with blankets 
-His car is probably blue let's be honest
-He's almost always out of gas like every time MC goes to drive with him he has to stop for gas

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