Thanksgiving Special

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Pronouns - she/her
Physical age - 13

7 am

I wake up and check my phone and then I check my calendar to confirm it. I pick out a shimmery black long sleeved dress with black tights and black shoes with a black headband that is plain and silver hoop earrings yes I know that's a lot of black but all my fancier clothes is black so I had no choice.

I go to the bathroom and take a hot shower. Once I get out I do my makeup very plain and get dressed and put my hair in a tight bun then walk out. I see Luther dressed like normal but a little fancier. Diego is dressed in a tux that surprised me. Allison is wearing a simple red dress and her hair is down. Klaus is wearing what he calls his "nicest outfit". Five is wearing a tux too I tried not to acknowledge it. Vanya is dressed like Vanya but similar to Luther she made it a little fancier and she has her hair like normal.

I sit on the couch and text my friend ______.
"Hey Y/N, you look pretty today" Allison said
"Thank you, you look pretty too" I said
"Thank you"

I walk to the kitchen and see Five drinking coffee while Diego is making pumpkin pie.
"Why is everybody looking at me" he asked me
"I don't know" I say grabbing a undrinken cup of coffee on the counter.
"What is it"
"The fact that you are wearing clothes other then the academy uniform"
"Real clothes looks good on you maybe tomorrow we can go shopping" I say walking to the refrigerator to get a mandarin.
"WILL DO" I say walking away eating the mandarin

2 pm

"So Klaus you want ME to go to this address and pay some dude $200 with MY money so you can have coke?" I said astonished
"Yes" Klaus said in a serious tone
"No I won't do it GET SOBER KLAUS" I yelled to him. I was in shock of how bad his addiction was yes the ghosts where scary I have seen them. I just wished he could find a healthy coping mechanism. I sat at the table playing with a orange peel, sad about Klaus and his addiction.
"Hey Y/N" a familiar voice said I looked up
"Ben?" I said in shock
"That's me"
"Uh I don't know what to say I haven't been able to conjure YOU for so long"
"I have been possessing Klaus and babysitting him that's why"
"Jill?" I asked and he shook his head while looking at the turkey
"Posses me." I said sternly
"It's thanksgiving"
Bens POV? 2:20 pm
It was hard walking around in her body compared to Klaus' due to the height difference of over a foot.
"Klaus" I asked
"What is it Y/N?" He said annoyed
"Can you get Jill"
"I want to speak to her"
"I'm Ben"
He was really mad at Y/N
3:00 pm
"JILL" I said exited
"Why are you so happy to see me?" Jill asked
"It's Ben I possessed Klaus' sister"
"Is she ok with it?"
"She told me to possess her"

Jill and I had so much fun together until Y/N puked me.
5:00 pm Y/N POV
"Bennnnnnn" I moaned while laying in the floor in fetal position.
"Is she ok" I heard Allison say
"Who is cleaning that up" Luther said
"I'm not" Diego said
"Is anybody going to help her" Vanya said
"She should be fine" Five said
"Hey that happens to me when Ben possess me" Klaus said
"What" everybody said in unison
"So you where sober" Five asked
"Yes why would you question that" Klaus said
"Maybe because earlier you asked me to buy you cocaine" I grunted and everybody turned to me.
                             6 pm Dinner
Even though dad has been dead for over a year mom still rings the bell whenever it's a holiday. While we where waiting for the bell while making Miis. Allison and Luther where the only ones making normal ones everybody else was making weird ones. I was sipping water while watching them because of what Ben did.

Once mom ran the bell I got up first. Then Allison and Luther, after them Klaus and Ben, Five spatial jumped after he finished making a Mii of The Handler, Diego and Vanya watched Five make the Mii so they came last.
"Five are you going to hurry up?" I yelled
"IM ALMOST DONE" he yelled
10 minutes later
"Finally your here that only took about 15 minutes" I said
"He was making The Handler" Diego said
"Oh that lady did he make Hazel and Cha Cha too" Klaus chimed in with
"He should've along with The IKEA Mafia but that would've been hours" Vanya said
"Can we eat now I'm starving" I asked
"If you buy me a coffee maker" Five said
"Will do"

"Stop eating all the green bean casserole" Diego told me
"You should stop eating all the stuffing" I told him because he was eating disturbing amounts
"What did you just call me"
"I called you an ass"
"Well you are a hypocrite"
"I. Am. Not."
"That's what they all say" we where standing up at this point
"Food fight food fight food fight food fight" Klaus chanted
"Why not" Diego said grabbing stuffing with his bare hands
"So immature" I said doing the same

We threw food at each other and once we where done everybody was doing the same, except Luther and Five. The entire dining room was a mess and eventually Five joined in too. We where having so much fun.

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