Christmas Special

15 0 0

Usual she/her
Takes place at age 17
Tw: drugs so many drugs

I woke up this was going my first Christmas without Ben. We never celebrated Christmas in the academy but I really wanted to this year. I decided this would be time to run away one month before Christmas. I got dressed like normal and ran to Klaus' room.

"Hey Klaus"

"What is it Y/N"

"We're running away now get dressed and grab extra clothes and whatever you will need"
I did that with my own stuff then asked the others the only one who said yes was Diego so we ran back to Klaus' room after stealing anything we might need for a job or home and we left and didn't look back. We did some research and got jobs and a apartment.

After almost a month we where doing pretty well for ourselves living almost normal lives. We all had jobs and where planning on going to college.

"Hey Diego can you hand me that book" I asked Diego he was wearing his normal vigilant style outfit


Klaus skipped in wearing a Rolling Stones shirt and jeans that had gemstones everywhere. "Heyyy wow Diego look at all the holes on our table"

"Piss off Klaus"

Klaus ignored him and turned to me "nice shirt" I was wearing Klaus' turquoise lace shirt and jeans because Diego forgot to do the laundry

"It's yours"

"Heyyy that was Ben's favorite book"

"I know" then I walked away and didn't speak to anybody for the rest of the day which wasn't long

The next morning was Christmas. Nobody talked much for the day. We all spent the day looking at what we got it was very quiet but the next day we admired how we were free from dad then somebody rang the doorbell.

"I will get it" Diego muttered then he went down the staircase that led to the doorway

"Who is it" I yelled

"Vanya" He said coming up with Vanya trailing behind him holding a pillowcase in one hand that appeared to be full of her clothes and in the other her violin then on strapped on her back was her stand

"Need a place to sleep you can stay however long you want just beware of the cocaine on our couch" Vanya chuckled and set her stuff down on the chair

"So Vanny who decided to stay at la casa de horrors" Klaus said prepping a line of coke on a gossip magazine

"Hey stop that" Diego yelled slapping the magazine making cocaine fly everywhere and Vanya and I laughed

"It's just Allison and Luther oh and I found your place thanks to Mikey"

"You found him" Klaus asked


This was a short one with not much Christmas stuff involved but I tried lmk if you want more about Young Y/N, Klaus, Diego, and possibly Vanya

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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