Part 3: The Mysterious Engine

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18 March 1998:

Edward Pov:

We decided to set out early in the morning when the sun rised as we didnt want to stay behind. So we got into our position: James in front with a long flatbed truck made of iron and steel so if any infected engines or creatures get in our path, we can just ram them over, behind him, is three coal trucks with welsh coal, then percy followed with his own coal trucks and annie and clarabel and finally me with the five coaches and two coal trucks. We didnt take long from setting off of knapford that welsh coal was like some sort of protection for engines against the terrible infection. Soon enough, we charged up gordon's hill but it wasnt long before we saw an infected one: it was gordon and behind him was a line of coaches full of infected, heading straight on the same line as us. We were horrified when we saw the blue infected demon face as well as the fact, he was heading towards us at full speed, we didnt have enough time to move backwards so we brace for inpact. Suddenly, Gordon and his train was deverted to another line and we watch as the train headed towards a siding with a long line of fuel tankers! Thank god, the switch was still working! The train collided at full speed at the fuel tankers causing a loud explosion that rocketed across sodor and the force nearly knock us off the rails. We glanced back and saw that the explosion had destroyed the entirely of wellsworth station and the yards. What remains was a burning black hole in the ground with what left of the infected creatures(who have been on the coaches) and gordon. It was just unrecognizable scrap boiler and cab of the north western railway no.4...we didnt have time to grief so we continued down the line and soon reach maron station and we couldnt believe what we saw: Oliver laying on the ground and behind him was toad the brakevan, safe and sound, still on the rails. The most unsettling thing was, steam was coming out of every part in oliver, but the strange thing was oliver didnt seem infected, hes face seem to be only damaged from something as blood was covering his entire face. Toad was relief to see us but was a bit terrified at the same time but as soon as we ask what happened, he broke down in tears and explained. Apparently, Oliver and toad was racing across the island and was trying to make across to the mainland but had to stop in the siding for coal and water and then they were trapped. We gasped when we heard who was the one who killed oliver and was beginning to try kill was nia. That horrific engine had trapped the duo in the siding before letting out a terrific and monstrous didnt even look like nia, most of her paintwork was replaced by crimson red blood, her piston rods were gone, her face was completed demented and twisted, her mouth a widely open and was extremely large that it nearly covered her entire face, both eyes were white with no pupils. Her teeths were as sharp as a knife and she has more than you can ever count, she charged at oliver, knocking him to the ground. And somehow, the terribly infected monster, nia had somehow gotten a metalic gross looking arm, mix of human/zombie flesh and engine metal and oliver realised that the metal wasnt made by nia parts, she had ripped it off from other engines and somehow had gotten intelligent enough to make it herself. Poor oliver though, get ripped and ripped by nia, who didnt seem to care after hearing oliver screams of pain and continue to do it until oliver entire face was ripped into nothing and just as she was gonna start on toad, another engine...according to toad, was a large green tender engine racing pass with a bunch of coaches and trucks. Nia instead of focusing on toad, gave chase and thats when we found him. I look over at James and noticed a blank expression on his face...i would have to ask him later. We coupled toad to the back of the train and set off for the next station which was cronk but before that was the viaduct. As we aporoach the bridge, we noticed what seems to be a diesel engine on the line but wasnt sure who it was so we got closer to the bridge. And to our horror, we realised it was mavis charging towards us, her bloody mouth with sharp teeths, ready to rip us apart. This time however, we charged full speed towards mavis and fortunately the flatbed in front of james stayed on the rails when we hit her but mavis did not. Instead she fell off the side of the viaduct and into the ravine below, smashing into a bunch of stones and smashing into pieces, she was dead. Sighing with relief but also sadness when we lost another friend, we continued down the line but stop before we reach cronk. James noticed something strange in the sheds who jestered his head in that direction  so i know what he was talking about. There in the siding was a bunch of mutated infected trucks moving slowly about but the worst part was, we saw diesel amongst them and then we knew, he was infected. So we made a plan to get to the next station which was either suddery or kildane. "Theres no way i getting close to those creatures" grumbled James, "Yeah" added percy, scared "Those disgusting creatures would rip us apart in an instant". I glanced around the station and noticed a line of tankers next to the other platform and i said, "Look at those fuel tankers, I am gonna give them a huge push towards the shed and hopefully they will hit diesel and the trucks and explode on them. Good thing, the points are set towards them". The plan was made and edward uncouple from his train, switch points onto the same tracks as the tankers and then with a mighty push, edward shove the train towards the siding. We could all heard the terrifying screeching from the mutated creatures as the tankers slammed into them, causing a huge explosion destroying the entire cronk shed and burning the nearby trees and grass. The explosion was bad enough that nothing remained of the trucks or diesel but some rusted wheels. Ignoring the scene, edward coupled back onto the train and three engines set off, hoping to leave before more infected gets here. We soon reach a junction and we decided to head right towards Kildane instead of towards suddery as not only there was nothing beyond that line but all of us got a bad feeling about that direction so we headed right, which happen will eventually reach vicarstown where the bridge to the mainland is located. Unknowingly to edward or the others as they chuffed towards kildane, a bright orange engine watch behind some trucks on the other line towards suddery. Nia let another one of her low growl and what happened next was unexpected, "Watch your back...As you would soon be my meal" hissed the monster which quickly puffed backwards and disappeared around the bend likely headed for suddery or who knows where?....

P.S: Again another boring chapter/part :< And sorry once again for the short chapters/parts...thats how i am...

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