Part 4: Finding Survivors

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19 March 1998:

Edward Pov:

We decided to rest at the kildane sheds for the night before continuing. Nothing has happened since we last left off, James has just been complaining that his red paint had gotten dirty and he needed a new coat, i rolled my eyes, that james certainly hadnt changed one bit. Anyways we continue down the line not finding any survivors at the station when we decided to enter the ironworks hoping to search further. Before we entered, my driver told me that according to news reports, the mainland had ordered vicarstown to be under lockdown and no one is allowed to enter unless they arent infected. This huge infection problem proved to be quite big as the mainland was planning to dismantle the vicarstown bridge to prevent the spread of the infection. We knew we had hurry and get out of here. As soon as we entered the ironworks, we were given the surprise of our life as the ironwork twins(both infected), charged straight towards us but the workmen easily took them down. We continue into the ironworks, completely ignoring the corspe of arry and bert. We glanced around the ironworks one last time and was planning to head back out when we saw something we didnt want to see. Duck, laid on his side, his eyes sockets were empty and there was and blood were coming out from them. His face was nearly unrecognisable if it wasnt for the number by his cab and the fact that he was the only Gwr pannier tank engine on the island. Not wanting to see more, we left the ironworks and continue down the line till we reach Crovan Gate. There was supposed to be a station before Crovan Gate but i recalled Sir Topham Hatt had ordered to close the station due to the lack of passengers. All left of that station was just some ruins. When we arrived at Crovan Gate, we were surprised and Shocked to see Henry and group of military men next to the narrow gauge tracks with bertram, Peter Sam, Rhenas, Rusty safe and sound. The Engines were glad and overjoyed to see us especially Henry. The Military commander called Benji asked us how we managed to survived and so i explain to him the whole thing. Meanwhile Percy was listening to the narrow gauge engines of how they managed to survive. The Small Green Engine also felt sorry to the little engines of the lost of their other friends. Apparently, Henry had taken a goods train to the mainland when the infection got out and decided to stay in vicarstown for good measure and safety. Henry also told us, a few days ago, the other clay pit twin, ben had tried to get into vicarstown but was easily destroyed and felt the wrath of the military, his remains was taken to the scrapyards and melted down. We also told Henry and the military of the engines we encountered so far but these were the one we managed to take care of: Duck, Arry, Bert, Mavis, Gordon, Bill, Donald, Douglas, Diesel. They were amazed when i told them of our story and especially the military, they were impressed. As we were loading the narrow gauge engines onto the flatbeds to take them to the mainland. We heard a small cry for help at the workshop, we totally forgot to check there! Me and Percy was immediately assign to check it out with some of the army soldiers. We were nervous as we slowly crept up to the entrance of the workshop and i couldnt believe what i saw. Glynn, the coffeepot engine seems to be infected was getting closer to Thomas, which seems to be the source of the crying. Wasting no time, i charged forward and ram over glynn with my flatbed surprising the coffeepot engine and knocking him to the ground. Before he could react, the soldiers immediately shot the poor engine and put him out of his misery. We are sigh in relief and glanced at thomas who seems to be safe and sound but just a bit dirty. Thomas was glad to see us and was overjoyed to see his best friends, Percy, Annie & Clarabel was still alive. We asked him how he survived and he told us that a few days ago, he had broken down and Sir Topham hatt had brought him to the steam works to be repair. Unfortunately, it seems like the workmen wasnt able to fix him in time when the infection broke out and had abandoned the blue tank engine and left him for the dead. We could see that thomas was grateful and tells us if we didnt find out about him in time, he would have died. After arrangements, we quickly lift thomas and place him on a flatbed, he would be fixed when we reach the mainland. Satisfied that we got everything and everyone we set off for vicarstown, not knowing what we faced next could end us all....

We arrived at vicarstown uneventful but i could feel that something wasnt right. I glanced over at Henry, Thomas, Percy and James and could see that they felt the same. Even the soldiers felt uneasy and caution us to entered the base carefully. When we entered, we felt the air grew colder and the base was eerily quiet...too quiet. Suddenly, we saw a terrified soldier came running towards us from around a building, his pale face tell me that he saw something. The commander, Benji caught him and asked what was going on but we already knew the answer....A loud monstrous yet screechy scream could be heard in the base and then we realised, we werent safe as we thought we were. To our horror, we saw a engine that seems awful familiar approaching us with four mutated legs. I couldnt believe it, that engine was Nia, there wasnt much of her orange paint work left and what replaced it was crimson fresh red blood. Somehow Nia got infected and the gas had given her the ability to grow mutated legs made of human flesh and engine parts. Her face look almost like any other infected engines we saw but her eyes were blazing red with a crazed expression. Thats when i knew the Nia i know was gone, turn into some sort of monster. The creature smiled maliciously at us but with a twisted and demented face, it looked like a pained sneer. "Look what we have here. What a surprise indeed, i am impressed that most of you managed to survived". The strange thing i notice was that nia seems bigger than usual but that is gonna be explain in the next part. The monster then screamed at us, "This is the furthest you all will ever made it, Prepare for all of you to meet your ultimate doom! I cant wait to ripped you all apart". Then Nia came charging straight towards us and the only thing we can do now is hope we can defeat her and escape alive...

P.S: Sry for the short/quickly rushed part/chapter. I was quite busy on the day i wrote this so i hope u guys wont mind. Warning: More deaths in the next chapter/parts but i wont say who ;)

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