Chapter 3

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Alexander took me to the batting cages

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Alexander took me to the batting cages. Like I have any idea how to do this! "Well, I figured we should start doing something not related to singing or acting, and this is what I like to do!" he smiled.

Oh that smile, I have never seen such a beautiful smile in real life before, I can't believe he actually looks even better in person, it is just unreal!

"Are you ready?" crap I keep fading out "Sure, I have to warn you though I have no idea what I am doing!"

He laughed "I will teach you!" he showed me how to stand and how to have a good grip on the bat, his hands on mine made me crazy with emotions inside. Don't freak! He is just a normal person, damn I really need to pull myself together if this is going to work!

"Okay and you just swing like this!" him trying to make me swing the bat made me laugh so hard. "Focus Charlotte!" he said teasing me.

"Okay first ball are you ready?" my eagerness to impress him got the best of me "Ready!" I yelled and the ball flew I took a swing, and having no idea what I was doing I swung the bat so hard I ended up swinging my whole body around, not hitting the ball. He was laughing at me "Okay, so you need to just focus on when the ball comes and then just swing the bat, your body shouldn't move!" "Alright hit me again!" I had such a winner instinct in all I did I needed to be the best.

The ball flew and I swung again, this time really concentrated and only the bat, and boom I hit it and it flew, not that far but I hit the ball.I threw the bat down and jumped with my fists in the air, Alexander fell to the ground laughing to hard, and this is when I realized that not only was I acting like an idiot in front of him but also infront of the whole camera crew.

Shit this is so going to be shown on TV, why must I always make an ass of myself? "Sorry!" I said embarrassed quickly pulling my hands down. "Haha, it's fine! I love enthusiasm!" Alexander laughed "Maybe we should stop for now?" "No!" Oh God Char get a flipping grip!

"I mean, I just started getting the hang of this and you want to quit?" I tried to sound casual, don't know if I pulled it of "Well, I guess we can keep it up for a little while longer!" he chuckled.

We played for 3 hours before we realized how much time had past, then Alexander took my back to my hotel and we had dinner in their restaurant, still followed by the crew. Are they gonna be here all the time? Am I gonna have to sleep with a camera in my face? "Don't worry they will leave after dinner, they don't follow us for everything I promise!" Alexander smiled.

Am I that transparent with what I'm thinking or is he just really good at guessing? "Now we have some time to get to know each other better! I find it to be very important to get to know who you are as a person to make this work. I mean, then I can know what songs we should be doing and so on!"

"Oh yeah sure, I mean, what do I know right? I trust you know what you're doing" I giggled nervously, what can I really tell him about me? We talked for a few hours and he followed me to my hotel room,

"Thank you for a great day Charlotte, I think I got an idea of who you are, but I wanna use tomorrow for that purpose too, but in a different way than today, I think it is time we get to our practice space. So you can see what it is like and you can feel comfortable there aswell, and who knows maybe start with some acting exercises?" "Alright!" I really need to work on having more than one word as a response when he tells me something! "Cool!" he smiled and hugged me "Well Goodnight Char, see you tomorrow!" Omg he hugged me!

Did he just hug me? Yeah I think he hugged me. Wait what? Oh right "Yeah – Goodnight Alexander, get home safe!" he laughed as he walked away "I will!" I closed the door behind me, get home safe? GET HOME SAFE? Ugh I am such an uncool idiot! I threw myself on the bed. Tomorrow I have to get my shit together! Alexander Delaney just freaking hugged me! Breath Char breath, wait! He also called me Char!This is the coolest thing ever. Not long after this rant of thoughts I fell asleep, exhausted from the trip and all the impressions I got today. Tomorrow another day with Alexander .. Alexander Delaney.

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