Chapter 7

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Alexander's POV:

I closed up at the studio still with a big smile on my face, Charlotte was so funny, I was so happy she was my contestant to work with. 

It became clear today that she has some issues with the subject of love, so we might have to start working on that so she can be great on stage, because there will have to be some love scenes. 

This made me smile even more, love scenes with Charlotte, it seemed like no problem for me and having to work a lot on it with her was great! 

However this burning feeling inside my stomach had gotten worse, I really had to figure out what that was, why did my mum sound like she knew exactly what it was and didn't want to share it with me?

 Granted she didn't seem concerned but still! It was really burning today and I felt like it was electrocuting out through my fingers and it started going to my toes too. 

It worried me but I still had a huge smile on my face as I was on my way home. 

She seemed to be more relaxed with me today, sure she had a small meltdown when a song from my album started playing, but I guess I could see how that could be embarrassing, I didn't mind though, I liked that she knew my music. 

As I was inside my apartment I tried jumping a few times just to see if I could shake the tingling feeling in my toes, this was really starting to freak me out! 

I decided to call my mum again to see if she could tell me more about this.


"Hi mum!"

 "Oh hello dear, is something wrong?" she asked with concern, which was understandable I guess, I usually didn't call her all the time. 

"I think so! Its just .. remember how I told you about the weird symptoms I had yesterday? They seem to have been getting worse today, are you sure it is alright?"

 She laughed at the other end "Did you spend time with that girl again today?" 

Uhm what did that have to do with anything? 

"Charlotte? Yes, I am going to be spending time with her everyday you know that!" 

She was still laughing, I was starting to wonder if it was possible she had a drinking problem or something 

"That is right, well my dear, I am afraid it probably will only get worse then!" 

What? Why? "Uhm Okay?" 

She giggled "You really can't tell why?" 

If I did I wouldn't be calling you!! 

"I have no idea what you are talking about mum, are you okay?" 

She laughed "I am fine! I just think this is something you should discover by yourself! I have to go now honey your dad is getting anxious to get some dinner now!" 

"Okay then, bye!" 

What?! It seemed clear that there would be no help what so ever from my mum, who however claimed to know what was wrong with me! 

Was I the only one not knowing? I threw myself on the couch and turned on the TV.

No matter how I tried to concentrate my mind kept wandering back to my day with Charlotte, starting to wonder if she was lost and alone at that hotel, after all she didn't really know anyone, and from the looks of her after her breakfast with the other contestants I guess she wouldn't be eating with any of them. 

Well there was this annoying guy who was talking to her when I came to get her, but she wouldn't hang out with a guy like that, he seemed so smug. 

Better go make sure she is okay! Maybe Mark Martinez will be at the hotel too? 

Then she can meet him too and she will know more people and feel more safe here. I grabbed my coat and hurried out the door.

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