Chapter 7 - New Friends (?)

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Maria Toru Masaharu's POV


Lunch break finally came and honestly, I didn't understand a single thing that was discussed today. I don't really care since I always get perfect scores on my tests. Not that I'm bragging, but it's true. I just read my manga the whole time.


There goes my peace and silence..

"I'm gonna introduce you to my friends so pay attention ok? I don't want you to forget them!"

I hit my head on the desk repeatedly. Why is she cousin? Why can't I have peace and silence?


"If you won't listen, I'll burn all your mangas and CDs"

Purple lines could be seen above my head. Ayakooo why are you so evilll o(╥﹏╥)o

And so I had no choice but to listen to her. All for the sake of anime!

"This is Tsubaki Hinata..." She pointed to a glasses wearing girl with magenta colored hair. "And they are Kobayashi Ren and Ran. They're identical twins" she pointed to two girl with same hair color, which is black, and same faces. The only thing different about them is their hair accessories and their bangs. The other one wears a green ribbon and the other one wears pink.

"So which one of you is Ren and Ran?" I asked.

"I'm Ren." Said the one with the green ribbon.

"And I'm Ran." Said the one with the pink.


It was the only thing I said. I don't know what to say in this kind of situations ok? I'm anti social remember? I'm not used to this.

"The name of my seat mate is Kagami Taiga.." She pointed to the red head with twin eyebrows.

"And the name of your seat mate is Kuroko Tetsuya." She pointed to the blue headed guy beside me.

I nodded then took a book from my bag. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. I know it's not anime related but it's a really great book.

The red head suddenly inched his face closer to me with a raised eyebrow. I know because I saw it in my peripheral vision.

"Do you play basketball?"


Wheee! Another short update XD I'll update tomorrow promise! Please leave a comment :D pic of Ren and Ran Kobayashi to the side! Again, not mine so © to the owner

- Jellies And Mallows

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