Shinohara's weirdest encounter

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(Shinohara POV)

"ugh... it's the earliest time I can ever wake up... pwahhhh- Eh?"

I broke my record of waking up at before 6am, without my alarm this time. What a coincidence I could tell time even without it. Not that I'm fully awake, I still wanted to go back to bed and get ready at an hour later. Yesterday Karuizawa-san, Satou-san and Matsushita-san kept prodding me about dumbest questions about him, he's not my type already and possibly an idiot too. Even though I don't wanna skip Lea◯◯e of ◯eg◯◯ds and waste my holiday.

A/N: Almost everyone of Class 2-D are gamers

The phone rang and without looking who it was, I swiped to answer.

"Shinohara here, I n-"

The call ended suddenly. I thought I was the one who mistakenly ended it, but who cared I called back. Must be Ike since no one would end a call like this once I said anything about myself.

"It's Shinohara, If any chance, I'm sorry t-"


He replied coldly, and the call ended. I'm sure it was Ike. It was the previous exam just before holidays started where our class is forced to inline skate the entire perimeter of the school, and this included jumping across buildings. I had kicked Ike down from ground floor (not off the building) level due to some random argument with him. It's already hard for people to stand upright again with their roller skates still on.

Starting the call again, I tried to reconcile with him.

"Hmpf... you're lowest of scum! I just wanted to kinda apologise for you know... that part where I... if you know already then I'm not asking like I care, just want to know before sensei expels me."


"Fine, i-if we can meet in your room and spill everything out- hey! Like spill everything about that incident, I mean. But let's do it low-key, like I don't mind coming over at weird timings-"

"...yeah, but just don't do anything weird in my room, kay?"

"Of course not!"

I almost laughed when I really wanted to retort, wait why? I laughed? That isn't funny... that's what being treated like a pervert feels, not the other way round. He's usually so damn perverted, like eww.

"How about 1am? No one would suspect us and there's no rule that girls cannot enter boys dorms past a certain time though."

I suggested a timing that even I myself could not be sure if I could wake up at this time.

(3rd person POV)

It was literal 1am plus, most people were back in their dorms.

Shinohara could somehow arrived at Ike's door while wearing pajamas and unmatching shoes (the school shoes apparently don't fit any clothes and is the weirdest looking shoes in the entire anime history, or just my opinion.). Her red-purple eyes not fully opened as if tired, and looking down. Somehow this uggo (or what Ike said about her) looked like she bathed not long before, as she was still holding a bath towel on her neck. Her dumb face turned into a slight frown when the door opened. Must be her tsundere mode.

Ike looked a bit different from what everyone else usually saw him during school hours, like not even Sudou had seen this before as either Ike comes over to his room or Sudou leaves before 10pm. He's kinda idiotic as he forgot to button the top 2 buttons of his pajamas (woah not that low) and probably because he just bathed too, his hair was somewhat messy. Speaking of his left side (omfg i don't know if that side was really shaved/ cut much shorter lmao), it looked kinda undone already.

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