Long time not seen

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Zayn sighed, shifting in his seat to try and be a little more comfortable.
He regrettably stayed up all night writing new songs and now he's so tired that he's actually just glad to somehow have made it to his plane on time.
He's visiting his family for Christmas, finally after not seeing them for almost 4 months.

Its been rough this year. Well that's not necessarily true, its been rough the last 5 years.
Its not like his life is bad. Zayn obviously doesn't have to care about money and even has the luxury to live a very private life but still have his fans support him. He's grateful for all of the support he receives, not only from his fans but also from friends and family. Of course there's critic and people trying to portray him as the bad guy, but he's gotten used to that over the years.

Something that Zayns always struggled with though is his anxiety and the bad habit of constantly overthinking everything and no money in the world, no fame, no matter how many events he attended, it never left.

Sometimes he thinks its only gotten worse. Especially after losing some of the only people who he wholeheartedly trusted, particularly a certain someone who was like a rock to him.
Who held him before concerts and told him that it would be so much fun and that Zayn would be amazing, drawing small circles with his fingers on his back or lazily stroking his hair to calm Zayns nerves. Someone who knocked at his door in the middle of the night because he was "bored and lonely", when both of them knew he actually didn't want to leave Zayn alone with his late night thoughts and instead wamted to comfort him, letting zayn rest on his chest to hear his slow and rhythmic heartbeat, a noise that always let him relax and slip into a peaceful sleep, without waking up every hour or so.

But that person wasn't here anymore and its taken quite a toll on Zayn, but he's in no position to complain. He knows its mostly his fault and still feels guilty about it, yet he couldn't bring himself to apologize, to ask for a conversation. It wasn't that he was too proud to admit he was wrong, Zayn was merely scared.
Many nights of overthinking and making up the worst case scenarios led him to keep pushing the problem away and now its too late anyways.
Hes probably better off without Zayn anyways and all in all he's only heard about how good he's been doing, so really its fine.

He huffs, adjusting his mask again.
Its not like there's any use to still think about it now, he should focus on the positive, seeing his family and spending Christmas with them.

The plane is almost full, atleast as full as they let them be now with the virus, and its almost time to take off.
Zayn adjusts himself in the seat again, glancing beside him, the seat is still free, so there's probably noone going to sit there. Atleast he has some space and doesn't have to sit all squeezed in.

Zayn grabs his headphones and adjusts his beanie before he puts them on.
One good thing about the whole virus is the masks. He can easily hide almost all his feature, without anyone questioning him. His hair is neatly tucked away in a beanie, he has his glasses instead of contacts, the mask covering half his face and just to make sure, he wore some of his really basic clothes so noone would recognize him.
He slides down a little in his seat, turns on the music and closes his eyes.

It would be a long flight and hes tired, plus hes still not the biggest fan of flying so if he could just sleep throughout the whole flight that would be a blessing, though he doubts that would happen.

He does fall asleep right away though.
Not noticing the planes doors closing, one last passenger rushing in, quickly storing his belongings before flopping down next to Zayn and putting his seatbelt on.

Once Zayn wakes up he will be in for a big surprise.


Ok guys so I've wanted to write a Zarry fic for a while, but I couldn't decide on a story line so were just gonna go with this and see where it goes.

I'd love to hear yalls thoughts up until now and kudos are obviously appreciated too :)

I hope yall are doing well

Hopefully I'll update soon, but I can't promise anything becuase I'm graduating this year and I'm currently sick, but yeah see you soon I guess!

We are who we are | ZarryWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt