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Long time ago in a kingdom far away , beyond the misty mountains in the district of shingashina. I was tagged by


let's get on with it.

10 things about me

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10 things about me

1) I love playing guitar although I am just a beginner.

2) I am currently reading the name of the wind.

3) in the rare chance that a banana is forced down my throat, I always peel it from the other end.

4) I haven't eaten ice cream in the past 7months which is a fuck load of time but I think I have sort of grown bored of eating it. I don't know.

5) I am short on the Brookside cranberry dark chocolate and I can't restock because of the home quarantine. #sadlife

6) I have a soft toy which is actually a cross between sloth and mouse whom I have named ladoo ( I suck at naming, deal with it)

7) I keep listening to Lindsey Sterling's guardian, mountain call of two steps from hell and fairy tail OST on repeat everyday without fail.

8) AOT S4 would be aired in 12days aka my obsession over LEVI IS STRONGER THAN EVER.

9) I am a decent dancer but I don't like to dance in front of anyone.

10) I love my cat chief and I haven't met him since October 2019.

9 things that I do daily

1) I wake up
2) I brush my teeth
3) I go talk with my baby plants
4) I try my best to not read anything but end up reading anyways.
5) curse the world because I have to get out of my blanket
6) I go for evening walks or night walks alone for peace and harmony.
7) I listen to music
8) I study
9) I watch YouTube videos

8 things that annoy me

1) when I am given spoiler of a book I am reading or intend to read.
2) not being able to take revenge on the said person who ruined the book for me. These people deserve to rot in hell, I swear.
3) bad book adaptations
4) people who make excruciating noises while eating .
5) a monosyllabic answer to my rants and huge ass texts.
6) raw onions and their horrible smell
7) bananas
8) if anyone else tidies up my room or messes it. Keep away from my room, yeah?

7 things that I fear

3) most of arthropodas
4) heights ( ironic since I am willing to try each and every adventure sport)
5) I fear... Oblivion ( TFIOS FOR LIFE)
6) destroying a perfectly well done painting because of a single black stroke gone wrong.
7) losing my friends and family.

6 songs I keep listening to

1) guardian by Lindsey sterling
2) mountain call by two steps from hell
3) sweet melody by little mix
4) can we dance by the vamps
5) alone pt2 by Alan Walker
6) adore you by harry Styles

5 things I could do without

1) bananas
2) history dates
3) learning the inorganic chemistry reactions
4) greeting the annoying neighbours
5) bad book recommendations ( that's legit not possible but whatevs)

4 books on wattpad

1) Scenery by doofinshzmertz5
2) shadow of the scriptures by RaghavBhatia7
3) psuedo poetry by king-klutz  ( I know those are poems but they are legit awesome and you won't publish anything)
4) warbreaker ( I haven't started it but I bet it would be awesome)

3 sayings

"You have 3 choices in life - give up, give in or give it all you got"

"In life you will go through shit, eat shit and take shit, untill you don't give a shit"

"Be a bitch by all means but don't be fake"

2 things I wish I could do.

1) I wish I could be a music sensation

2) travel the whole world and read all the books I have written down in my evergrowing  list.

1 photo of me.

Ask me again when I am drunk.

That's it.
Now for tags.



And anyone else who is reading this.

I will do the rest of the tags some other day.

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