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Soonyoung's face stayed calm

but his mind froze

how could he be so careless?

Soonyoung clears his throat

and holds Jihoon's hand.

"that babe is Hoseok's number"

It is true.

The number on the note was Hoseok's number.

Jihoon looked at the note and looked at Soonyoung.

"But why do you need his number?"

Soonyoung smiles a bit

"Well I bumped into him earlier and we exchanged numbers"

Soonyoung lied.

They all have planned for Hoseok to be the bait and then they attack

(No hate please. I truly love Hoseok)

Jihoon shrugs before hugging Soonyoung

When he hugs Soonyoung, he felt something in the back pocket of his pants.

"a knife?"

His Psycho [Soonhoon] HIATUS⚠️Where stories live. Discover now