Chapter 3

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School. That place.. It's hard to find a word to describe it!
We all know it started out for education, but what is it really that gave it that social effect? Well when it's basically the main thing you do everyday.. It is somehow related to everything in your life.
School is more than a place to learn science, literature and that boring thing they call maths. It's more than just a long introduction to what your future can be.
School teaches you a lot, it introduces you to many people. Some can make you hate your guts, and others may mean the world to you. It definitely does build your character!
But.. It doesn't necessarily make you someone you truly are! That's something Vivienne made sure she kept believing.
It is complicated. Really complicated! But she'd figure it out someday.
Vie entered. People stared. And she kept walking uncomfortably looking for Rosanna. Or at least until she could get to class without dealing with anyone.
Not that class was any better really! But at least she'll pretend to be busy with something... A book, her cellphone, doodling... Whatever it is.

"Omg look!", said an annoying voice.
Who'd you think it would be?
Vie gasped. "Annie you scared me!"
Annie laughed.
"No really, Vie. Look at that girl!"
Vie turned her head slowly.
"What's with her?"
"She looks so good in these shorts!"
Vie didn't comment. But she was right! The girl was tall and skinny, she had ombré hair and blue eyes. Her legs were long and toned. Yes, perfect in shorts.
"I haven't seen you in shorts", said Annie.
"It's cold.", Vie shrugged.
"Or you just don't look good in them?"
Vie sighed.
"Yes I don't.. You already knew that."
Annie giggled.
"That giggle is rude you know.", Vie rolled her eyes.

"Oh look at that girl! She's so pretty"
Class wasn't that boring, surprisingly!
Vie was taking notes and Annie just doodling with a pencil that Vie gave her to shut up. Annie was such a kid somehow. But then she started.
"I'm bored!", she groaned.
Vie shushed her.
"When will this class be over?"
"No one forced you to come, you know."
"But you made me come!"
"No I didn't!", Vie said somehow defensively.

"Uh hey do you have an extra pen?", said a voice.
Vie didn't really hear what was said.
"Don't you wish you had her waistline?", said Annie pointing at a girl.
Vie ignored her.
"I think she's pretty!", said Annie again.
"Shut up I'm trying to focus!", said Vie gritting her teeth.
"Whoa I just asked for a pen! No need to get mad.", said the guy.

Vie closed her eyes and gritted her teeth harder. He thought she was talking to him.
"That was rude, you know!", said Annie raising her eyebrows.
"Don't you say! And why do you think so?", whispered Vie.

Then finally the bell rang.

Vie was walking silently.
She felt so calm. She looked around slowly at others. Everyone seemed to be busy with something. Everyone had something going on! She felt somehow empty.. She felt like her life was just passing by pointlessly. Then she could hear some girls talking. Those girls were so annoying she'd rather get punched in the head than talk to any of them.
"Have you seen the new girl?", said one.
"Omg! She's so weird.", said the other.

Vie caught herself standing close to them, enough to hear what they were babbling about.

"Look, it's her..", smirked one of them. And Vie obviously pointed out they meant her, so she looked away, still listening.
"Well her backpack is cute!"
"But she must have gained some weight!"
They all laughed.

Vie swallowed hard, then she kept walking.
She reached to the restroom, trying to walk in discreetly but of course everyone was staring. Vie sighed and dragged herself to wash her hands.
She washed her hands staring at her reflection. Something felt weird.
She had definitely gotten fatter! Oh God! She looked away.
She sighed again then looked back. She was fighting a strong urge that wanted her to keep staring at herself counting her flaws, yet she just couldn't stare for long. It was so disturbing. She noticed Annie standing behind her, staring at her reflection too. But.. She didn't say anything. That's surprising.
Vie walked away.
"What are you thinking of?"
"Come on! Tell me!"
"I was just thinking. Nothing special"
Annie sighed.
"What's with the mood, Vie?"

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