Chapter one

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It's so cold, I can barely breathe. Im not worth anything for anyone.

I sat down by a tree, all by my self. This is my favourite place to be when I'm thinking, nobody ever come here, nobody know's about this place. Except myself.

So here im sitting, all by myself besides a huge cliff. Tears streaming down my cheeks and bloody wrists.

My life is not normal. It's totally different from others. I have no parents, no friends and i have noone to trust. This is probably what I deserve after all i have done, wich is not much. My life has been sitting inside a locked room with some razers and my laptop.

I said i had no parents, but I have... If they're not drinking or at some party. I hate them, and they know that, but they don't care at all. Whatever they do, I don't actually care. It's not my life.

I'm still sitting here, cold as ice, tears streaming down my cheeks and bloody wrists. Some beautiful day I'll be gone forever, I'll be free.

I can feel a headache spreading in my head, probably after my loss on food and water. I haven't been eating in three days, I'm deadly skinny. I don't like that people call me too skinny, don't they think I know that? Well, I do.

My headache becomes stronger, and I'm beginning to feel strange. A little sleepy. All I can see is a pair of white sneakers standing in front of me, before my eyes shut and everything becomes black.


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