chapter one: welcome abroad the hogwarts express!

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alexandra dragged the luggage behind her and when she arrived at the train station, she was having second thoughts. 

"what if this is a form of kidnapping? should i go back?" she thought to herself.

she shook those thoughts off and went ahead, looking for platform 9 3/4. she approached a man with a huge beard and a bit of a pot belly. 

"hello, how are you doing this evening? i was wondering how i would be able to head to platform 9 3/4?" alex asked.

the man gave a potbelly laugh and replied "platform 9 3/4? are you out of your mind? platform 9 is that way, not platform 9 3/4". 

"but here it says-" alex was cut off by the potbelly man once again.

"i don't have all day kid, go ask your mommy."

she walked away glancing back at the rude man she's just met. she didn't know where to head from where she was, for she thought that if she asks someone else they would give the same answer and shame her for her age. just then, she saw a family of gingers and a black haired boy who were talking amongst themselves. she caught the word "hogwarts express" and looked at the letter.

"hogwarts! that's what it said on here!" she thought.

"excuse me?" alex approached subtly.

a particularly sweet looking ginger woman replied. "hello dear, what can we do for you today?"

"i wasn't eavesdropping, promise. but i caught the word 'hogwarts'. i happen to be heading there. do you mind leading me to uh 'platform 9 3/4' by any chance?" she asked quietly, thinking they would laugh at her.

"oh that's alright dear, right this way. the train will be leaving soon", said the nice lady with ginger curls.

"hi my name is ron, ron weasley and this is harry potter, my best friend. i haven't seen you around hogwarts. are you a new first year?" asked a dude with ginger hair and a handful of luggage.

"hi, my name is alexandra but you can call me alex. i'm new, but on here it says i'm a sixth year? i'm particularly new at this is you couldn't tell", alex said with a little giggle.

"a new sixth year? that's odd. i figured you weren't a first year though, you're way too tall for that", chimed in a girl with ginger hair. 

"my name's ginny by the way, a little thank you to my brother here who introduced me as well", ginny said, hitting ron in the back of the head.

"time to go kids, time to go. nice meeting you alex. i hope you have a nice year at hogwarts!" said the kind lady, disappearing into a wall the read 'platform 9'

alex was completely in shock. ron, harry, and ginny could tell because they were laughing quite a lot at her. 

"trust me, we're not completely mental. just close your eyes, it's a piece of cake", said ginny.

ginny and ron ran through the wall.

"ladies first!" said harry.

alex didn't know what to do so she just ran into the wall. behind her, harry came through too.

"you can open your eyes y'know", said harry with a little giggle.

she forgot she had them closed for a second and opened them. when her eye adjusted to the brightness, infront of her was a GORGEOUS train that read 'HOGWARTS EXPRESS', painted red with a sign above that said "platform 9 3/4".

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