chapter three: new friends, new enemies.

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i was assigned a dorm with two people i didn't particularly know. their names were lauren and pansy. i wasn't in a mood to meet two new people knowing i completely blew my chances with three others, but i figured i could use two friends. i trudged into the dorm with my luggage and got settled in.

"hey! you're the new sixth year aren't you?" asked a voice behind her.

"yeah i am actually! and you might be?" i asked.

"lauren. lauren white. i'm a sixth year here too! i'm so glad you're nice, most people here aren't", lauren said.

"where's my other roommate? i think her name is pansy", i said.

"she's probably hanging out with draco malfoy and his friends. you don't wanna mess with them though, they're totally toxic." explained lauren.

"yeah i'll make sure of it", i said.

just then as i finished the sentence a girl walked backwards through the door with two boys and knocked into me.

"EW! filthy mudblood, get OFF of me!" exclaimed pansy.

"you're the one who knocked into me, smartass", i shot back.

"ho ho ho ho! and who might you be?" asked the blond boy behind her.

i was going to answer, but i recognized that face somewhere. 


"i'm alex. alexandra connors. y'know blondie, i'm surprised you don't recognize me", i answered.

"you're that mudblood idiot i bumped into earlier", he recognized, slowly remembering.

"what's a mudblood and why're you calling me that?" i asked, slightly annoyed.

"a mudblood's a disgusting person, a wizard that's born from muggles." pansy cut in.

"what's a muggle?" i ask.

" i thought you were supposed to be smart", said draco, acknowledging my eyeroll.

"a muggle is a human, ms. genius", said a new voice behind draco.

"blaise, blaise zabini. nice to meet you're acquaintance." said blaise.

i nod, still confused on why i would be a mudblood. i didn't even know who my parents are.

"okay, are we done with our daily pep talk? now get out." said lauren, annoyed.

"one more question for connors right here. how'd you get into hogwarts? daddy's money or something?" draco spits.

"unlike you, daddy's boy, i don't have parents. maybe you're not used to people who have potential unlike your ass, but fix your attitude and your style." i say with a little sarcastic smile, looking down at his horrendous outfit.

"whatever MUDBLOOD. have a nice time in hogwarts", draco says, pissed.

he walks away and heads to the door, but blaise doesn't follow. he's looking at me, stunned. clearly that blond bitch hasn't been talked back to for quite some time.

"ZABINI!" draco says, calling for blaise.

blaise gives me a little eyebrow wink, and runs to catch up with draco.

after a few hours, i was all settled in and lauren approaches me.

"hey! i forgot to tell you, what you said to draco? totally badass. no one's ever done that before." lauren compliments, stunned.

"yeah i could tell. why's everyone so scared to confront him anyways?" i ask.

"he's DRACO MALFOY. no one wants to get on his bad side, he's a daddy's boy." lauren replies.

"BAHAHAHA a daddy's boy? what do you mean?" i asked, giggling, remembering how i jokingly called him the same thing earlier.

"his dad is seriously one of the most wealthy and high respected men of the magic world. it's scary messing with him." lauren replied, DEAD serious.

*hey y'all! sorry this part was pretty short, i have school and i needed to go to sleep. i'll be back soon :) i appreciate all of you, thank you!*

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