chapter 4: potions with snakes. or in this case? snape.

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after that encounter with draco malfoy, i wasn't sure if i would fit in with the slytherins. 

"are they all like draco and pansy? or more like lauren?" i thought to myself.

that morning i got in my robe, gathered my books, and headed to my first class. potions, it read. it says on here that it's professor snape who teaches this class. 

"he's the professor i met on the first day here. he seems nice enough", i think.

i head into the class and i don't need to turn my head to see all the eyes piercing into me. 

"welcome, ms. connors. we're glad to have you", snape said in a dark voice.

"pffttt", someone said.

i didn't even need to turn to see who it was. that nasty voice would always belong to draco. 

"mr. malfoy, that is NO way treat our classmates. detention." snape hissed.

"maybe he isn't so nice after all", i thought to myself. 

"my father will hear about this", he snapped, slamming his book closed.

"i'm sure he will. for now ms. connors, please sit next to mr. potter over there. i assume you guys would get along quite well", snape said.

i look over to see harry potter, not making eye contact with him but nodding. i walk over and sit next to him.

"turn to page 895 and read." professor snape told us.

"hey", i peep, sounding pretty pathetic.

"hey." he peeps back, not sounding very excited that i'm sitting next to him.

"are you mad at me? for being sorted into slytherin?" i ask, sitting up.

"i guess it isn't really my place to be mad... but i was really hoping that you would be sorted into a better house. you seem like a pretty awesome person, i'm not quite sure why you were sorted into slytherin", he explains.

i didn't know how to respond to that. i felt even more ashamed of being a slytherin. but he was right. why WAS i sorted into slytherin? i'm not a slytherin type.

"i'm sorry, i wish it were up to me", i said.

"you shouldn't have to be sorry. i guess i owe you an apology for being so bias. i shouldn't have judged you for being in slytherin. lots of slytherins always end up evil or jerks, so i assumed you would be the same." harry sighed.

"i'm sure not all slytherins are bad. did i blow my chance with you guys? or can we be friends again?" i asked, hopeful.

"of course. it would be messed up to judge someone for their house", harry said, also sitting up a little taller and giving me a little smile.

snape comes up behind us both and pushes harry's head into his book. 

"focus, mr. potter. leave ms. connors alone and read your book." snape says, eyeing him.

"it was my fault sir, i didn't mean to cause trouble. i was looking for new friends. wrong timing, my apologies", i said.

to my surprise, he gave harry a glare and let go of his head.

"how'd you do that?!" harry whispered to me.

"do what?" i asked confused.

"be quiet! snape is known for being a bad professor and always giving detention. i know he's favored slytherins, but he's never given detention to malfoy before! and he's also never NOT given me detention but that's out of context. he must REALLY like you alex." harry explained to me.

i lowered my voice a little bit.

"i think it's just because i'm new. he wants me to feel comfortable here i guess?" i replied.

"that's the thing, he NEVER wants you to be comfortable." harry quietly answered.

i turned back to look at snape. to my surprise, he was glaring right at me. he looked away when i made eye contact with him but it was obvious something was going on.  i was determined to figure it out.

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