The Aftermath

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The blonde male yawned out as the first rays of sunlight hit his face through the half-drawn curtains.

Katsuki yawned, body aching as he woke up to the rays of sun peeking through the curtains. He felt a heavy weight on him... and arms wrapped around his waist.

Oh.  Shouto.

The blonde turned himself, coming face to face with the other, who was still fast asleep. He found himself staring a little too hard, mesmerised by Shouto's face- his long eyelashes, his scar, his lips...

And then Katsuki regained his memory, and the events of yesterday came into full view. Oh fuck. He found himself thinking of the way he was so helpless, the way he simply submitted. A deep red blush found its way onto his face, and he could feel a bit of slick gush out. Oops.

Needless to say, Bakugou Katsuki was a mess. His emotions went haywire, thoughts overloaded as the past 24 hours came rushing back, all too sudden, all too fast to process properly.

Deep breaths, he told himself. You got this. Okaaaay, first things first.

I'm an omega. I just presented... Which means... Oh fuck. Katsuki breathed out a low string of creative language as he remembered the unspoken rule of the hero world. Heroes were all alphas, maybe the occasional beta, but there was never an omega hero in the history of heroes, and as the weakest secondary gender, no one would really truly trust an omega to protect society. Society was fucked up, big time, in that sense. But he had just presented as an omega. That... Would that mean it was the end? That he could not become a pro-hero anymore?

This single thought of not being able to become a pro-hero absolutely crushed Katsuki. He forgot about everything else that happened, did not even give a single flying fuck about the fact that he got railed by Shouto, because all that mattered was gone.

All I've ever wanted, and all that I've worked for. Gone. Just like that. Because of my stupid fucking secondary gender that I had no control over.

The omega choked on a sob, the harsh reality hitting hard, burying his face into the alpha's chest. He felt a cool hand on his back, rubbing up and down in soothing circles, the coolness a nice contrast against his warm skin.

Shouto was awake, and he let them stay like that for a while, basked in the silence that Katsuki needed. He knew that it would take time, a lot of time actually, before the blonde would finally come to terms with his secondary gender. Hell, Katsuki was the last person anyone would think was an omega, for fucks sake.

Shouto let himself get lost in his own thoughts, hand still absentmindedly roaming the blonde's back.

After sharing such intimate moments, Shouto felt that it was only right that he helped Katsuki figure this mess out. He hoped the other realised how much restraint it took him to not claim the omega when he was in heat. Although they were rivals, after the incident, Shouto wholeheartedly hoped that the other would not push him away. Katsuki would definitely be the most affected by his presentation, but Shouto, in helping with the heat, was affected too...

"Sh-Shouto, wh-what do I do now?" a muffled voice came, the words barely above a whisper. He sounded so broken, and the alpha never heard anyone that scared, the fear clearly evident as he pulled the shaking male closer.

"I'm sure it will be okay, Katsuki. Knowing you, you will be okay." Shouto really did not know who he was trying to reassure, because he himself had no idea how things would turn out.

"Hey, let's get out of bed first yea? Eat something before we think about it. I'm sure Aizawa would let us take the day off..." Shouto continued, untangling their limbs.

Katsuki nodded, shifting their position and standing up, only to yelp out in pain. His whole lower body hurt like hell. He never wanted to have sex again, not if this was the painful results.

Katsuki could only grit his teeth and endure the pain, but after a short while, he got used to it and the dull ache became somewhat bearable.




Putting two emotionally and socially awkward people together was not a good idea as Shouto and Katsuki simply stared at each other, not entirely sure what to say.

Bakugou decided to bite the bullet. "Uh thanks for helping me, Icyhot. A-and for not marking me. Yea."

"Mhm, welcome?" Shouto stared at Katsuki, who was staring at his cup of coffee, determined not to meet the bicoloured pair of eyes, it seemed.

"Do you want to talk about it? Or do you need more time?" Shouto asked the blonde seated opposite him, genuinely worried. He was not some mind reader, but from the looks of it, Katsuki had many thoughts occupying his mind.

"I guess... I guess I will be the first omega pro-hero, then." was the only thing that came out of Katsuki.

Shouto grinned. At least the Katsuki he knew was back. The Katsuki who was determined and had clear goals.

Being an omega? Pfft. No big deal. I will show them what I've got. Katsuki smirked. He had his whole life in front of him, and a powerful enough quirk. His fucking secondary gender was nothing. Just another small obstacle.

At least Bakugou Katsuki was the first in something.

The chapter mix up never happened. anyways here enjoy soft tdbk

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