Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own one piece or any of it's characters, but I do own my ocs

The first thing I remember is waking up soaking wet on a deserted island. The skies were full of clouds, and gulls flew overhead. ‘Where am I?’ was the first thought to come to mind. I pushed myself off the ground, my wet hands getting cloaked in the light damp sand, and long magenta colored hair flew over my shoulder. I pulled a clump of my wet hair in front of my eyes as I stare at it quizzically. ‘Is this my hair?’ I asked myself with a quirked eyebrow, “Such a peculiar color…” I muttered walking down the lone beach.

I walked for what seemed like hours until I came across a small wooded area. I sat against a tree, relaxing my sore and tense muscles. My body wasn’t used to much physical activity; I was slightly out of breath from just the small amount of walking I did. “Where am I?” I asked again, staring up to the heavens. I continued to stare at the endless blue sky as both clouds and various bird fluttered by. Slowly, ever so slowly my eyes began to feel heavy and I yawned, tears pricking my stinging eyes. ‘Why am I so tired?’ I yawned once again rubbing my eye lid, blotching my vision slightly. I blink rapidly trying to stay conscious. I leaned my head back, hitting the tough bark of the tree I was up against. I then collapse willingly to the ground, arms tucked behind my head, and my legs folded pretzel like. Minutes later my wonderland comes to surface in the realm of my gory and demented dreams.


“Hey wake up.” A quiet voice called causing me to stir. I groggily blink my teary eyes only to see a boy with short light pink hair and bottle cap glasses starring down at me in concern. I looked past the boy and saw the sun was still high in the sky, showing I was asleep for only a short while. “Are you okay?” the boy asked, grabbing my arm and dragging me onto my feet.

I shake my head rapidly and answer the boy “Yeah, I’m fine I was just taking a nap. Where are we?”

The boy looked at me like I was crazy, “You mean you came onto Alvida’s private island, clueless of where you were?”

I absentmindedly nodded my head, looking over the clothes I was wearing for the first time since I got up. I wore an elbow length tattered gray button up shirt, and faded white boy shorts that almost looked a pale gray. My feet were bare and would make a dull thud noise whenever I took a step. “So kid, where are you taking me?” I asked, magenta hair stabbing my eyes.

“Well I should take you to Alvida… But I won’t” the boy smiled nervously, “I’m Koby by the way, what’s your name?”

I scrunched my face in thought before shaking my head a small smile on my face, “I have no clue.” Koby stopped abruptly,

“You don’t even know your own name?!” He screeched grabbing his hair preparing to pull it out.

“Nope!” I laugh lightly at Koby’s dramatic antics, “It’s okay though. I’m sure I’ll remember sooner or later.”

Koby just shoot me a bland look, shouting “How can you say that? You might have family out there looking for you!”

I simply shrug my shoulders showing my lack of concern, “Meh, you never know. For all I know all my family could be dead.”

“How can you say that so calmly!?!” Koby asked looking almost ready to cry.

I shook my head in an ‘I don’t know’ fashion. Suddenly a loud voice cuts thru the forest causing both Koby and I to flinch.


“Who was that?” I asked cleaning my ringing ear out with my finger.

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