sounds in a mouth

148 38 69

before I was born
my parents queued
in front of the PCO
on half-price sundays
to call back home.

first, they'd ring up
the neighbor's landline
tell her they'll call again
in ten minutes.


he:   do you like her?
me:  what is she called?
he:   you mean, what is her name
me:  something like that, yeah

body is a name
a string of sounds
a bag of bones
a centipede's dilemma -
it analyzed its walk
& was baffled
so it tripped
& fell.

words fell over his lower lip :
   what did the doctor say?
me:   she said it was nothing
serious. just skin eczema.

eczema, that sounds sexy.
& witzelsucht
as summarized by a team
of taiwanese researchers
is marked by a tendency
to tell inappropriate
& poor jokes.

me:   really, that's her name?
he:   yeah
me:   that sounds like a pokémon
he:   yeah.


in ten minutes
my grandparents mothed
around the landline, waiting.

maybe, I was there, then
requeuing, in my mother's arms
or on my father's shoulders.

maybe, I could not make sense
of the sounds & how they
had anything to do with the tears
longing, distance.

the sound of distance
is a decibel higher
than silence.

maybe that's why
I existed myself
after that hello.


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