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On the first of October, John and his daughters prepared for church. "Girls, it is almost time to leave. Are you ready?" "Yes Father." Judy responded. Florence walked out the door with her coat and hat on. Judy followed behind with her bonnet and gloves. She took Florence's hand and followed her father to church. When the Colemans made it to church, the Armond children were there, but Mr. and Mrs. Armond weren't. Anna approached the pastor and told him something, looking more as if she were asking him a favor. Florence looked at Judy who looked concerned. When Anna sat down, Judy asked her if everything was okay. Anna whispered something to her. The answer seemed to have scared Judy as she gasped and cupped her mouth with one hand. Florence didn't know what that was all about, but she decided not to ask. Right after service started, the pastor mentioned Anna's baby sister, Melinda, who is sick with the measles. Florence was upset to hear that, and felt bad for the baby.

During the service, Florence looked over at Anna and her siblings. They looked like they weren't paying attention to the pastor, but their hands were together as if they were praying to God the whole time. Anna followed the Colemans home, and at the front door, Anna told Eunice everything. "Oh dear." Eunice replied. "Mother, I would like to go home with Anna and help Melinda." "Oh Judy, it is very sweet of you, but that is the doctor's job." "The doctor is at our home now Mrs. Coleman, and my mother is doing all she can. Nancy and James cannot help because they're too young, and could get sick, and my father is not sure what to do, so we need the help." Eunice sighed, but eventually turned to Judy. "Very well, as long as you are careful, I will condone it. Be back by nightfall." "Yes Mother." Judy caressed Florence's cheek after giving her parents a kiss and ran to the Armonds' home with Anna. Florence stood in the doorway until she couldn't see her sister. "Florence, come along, there's a draft." "Okay Mother." Florence took one more glance at the garden and closed the door.

Florence wrote in her journal and worked on her needlepoint. At tea, she went to get her father since Judy wasn't home to do it herself. After John came inside, Florence looked for Judy. "Come and have tea darling, Judy will come home." Florence joined her parents for tea and anxiously waited for her sister's return. While making dinner, Florence helped set the table. She looked out the window to see the sun slipping below the horizon. She went to the door to see if Judy was walking through the garden and almost home. "Mother, Judy is not home yet." "Do not worry Florence, she will not be long now." John came in behind Florence and joined his wife and daughter for supper. Florence barely ate. After cleaning up, Judy still hadn't come home. Florence put another lantern on the front porch in hopes that her sister was okay. "Florence darling, come inside, it is cold and you will get sick. I would like you to get ready for bed while your father fetches Judy." Florence went to her room, took out the ribbon in her black hair and let it fall to her sides. Right before she got in bed, the door opened downstairs. "Judy! Oh darling, it is so dark!" Eunice cried. "I am okay Mother, I did not mean to frighten you, I know you told me to be home before dark, but the baby has it bad." "Well, you are home now, and that is what matters." "I am tired Mother, I am going to bed." Florence stood in the doorway of her room to see Judy. Right before going into her room, Judy saw Florence. "Flo, go to sleep, I will be alright." Florence nodded, but couldn't help but notice her sister looked like she was extra worn out. Her ponytail was a mess, her ribbon was falling out and she was sweating. The candle in Judy's room was out quickly, so Florence went to bed, still worried about Judy.

Florence woke up in the morning when her mother called upstairs. Judy was already downstairs looking much more rested. "Are you alright Judy?" Florence asked. "Yes Flo, I am alright. Melinda has it bad, her forehead was about 101 degrees and her rashes are as red as measles get." "Oh dear." "The doctor says she will likely recover however, if we keep treating her the way he is." "I do not want you getting sick too." "I will not get sick Mother." "Are you going back?" Florence asked. "Yes, but I will be back before night fall, or at least right at sunset." Eunice and John looked at each other with concerned facial expressions, but because of the faith in their daughter, they agreed to let her go, but she had to wait until after lunch. Judy seemed like herself after breakfast, Florence thought. Afterall, she's doing her needlepoint, she's dressed and nicely groomed and is even back to doing her share of housework. Once Judy and Florence finished cleaning up from lunch, Judy left for the Armonds' home. Florence watched her leave again, but this time, closed the door once she couldn't see Judy.

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