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February started just as cold as January ended. Judy was going to be fifteen on the 24th this month, and Florence wanted to make her sister's birthday the best day she's ever had. Florence went into town with Eunice to look around in some of the stores to find gifts for Judy. Even though Judy said she didn't want to be showered with gifts and only wanted time with her family, Florence insisted on getting her something. "Mother, those gloves we saw in the store today, they were lovely and I think Judy would love them." Eunice put down her baking spatula and looked Florence in the eyes. "I suppose you are right. After tea, we will go back to the store to get them." Florence was excited, at the same time she hoped Judy didn't over hear everything she and her mother just talked about. After tea, John took the boys back outside to work while Florence went into town with Eunice. "We will be back soon Judy." "Okay Mother." Florence smiled at the thought of getting her sister a gift.

When Florence and Eunice entered the store, Florence immediately grabbed the gloves. "How much for these sir?" She asked the clerk. "Oh, Miss Coleman, how are you doing?" "Well, thank you." "How are you today Mr. Quinn?" "Very well myself Mrs. Coleman. Are these for your daughter?" "Yes, her birthday is on the 24th." The clerk turned to Florence. "Well, you are very sweet to get these for your sister, Miss. I cannot charge full price for the richest family in town. I will only charge half." "That's very kind." Eunice handed the clerk 50 cents then he wrapped the gloves in a box and handed it to Florence. "Have a great afternoon Ma'am, young Miss." "You too." "Mother, what if we had a family day on Judy's birthday? We could give the boys the day off and just celebrate? We can play games, make a fancy dinner like we did on my birthday" "That sounds like a great plan dear, and I will allow that. You may bake her cake if you would like" Once Florence and Eunice got home, Florence hid the box behind her back until she was out of Judy's sight, then she hid them under her bed.

When Florence came back down, Judy was gone. "Mother, where did Judy go?" "She is serving dinner at the church tonight." Eunice answered. It made Florence smile to know how compassionate her sister is. Every winter, Judy volunteers at their church to serve those who cannot afford to feed themselves. Eunice finished making dinner, then Florence went to ring the bell to alert her father. Eunice made a plate for Judy and set it aside while the rest of the family sat down together. Judy came home right after her family finished cleaning up. "Judy dear, are you hungry? Come, I have a plate for you." Eunice said, ushering her daughter in from the cold. Judy hung up her coat, hat and scarf then sat at the table. Florence was in her nightgown and was sewing in the living room. She decided to sit with her sister in the kitchen. As she stood up, her long, black hair flew behind her as she happily ran into the kitchen. "Slow down Flo, or you will trip and get hurt." "Sorry Judy. How was the dinner service at church?" "Pretty good. It feels good to give to those in need." "I want to make you proud, Judy." "And you will. You are going to do great things for the world in your own way just like mother and father always tell us. I cannot wait to be there when you accomplish your goals and more." The girls smiled at each other, Judy brushed Florence's hair behind her ear, and finished eating. The girls spent the rest of the night sewing in Judy's room until Eunice came by telling the girls it was bedtime. Judy kissed her sister on the cheek and watched her fall asleep from her doorway. Just before she fell asleep, Florence had another idea of how to make Judy's birthday memorable.

On the 21st of February, Florence went into town with Judy for an afternoon walk to check on the people of Ashland. Judy had a basket with the family's extra money so the town's people could get what they needed. They were in the middle of town when a man came out of nowhere and grabbed Judy's basket. "Give me the basket child, or I will hurt you!" The stranger and Judy both tugged on the basket. "Do not threaten my sister!" Florence shouted back. "Stay out of this little girl, or I will kill you!" "Let go of my basket you thief!" Judy and the stranger tugged on the basket and just as he started digging into it, Judy stomped on his foot in her black boots. The man shouted in pain and Judy started running, holding Florence's hand. The nearby town's people tried to hold up the stranger but he pushed his way through the crowd. "Help us!" Judy shouted. The man caught up to the girls and started tugging on the basket again and this time, he pulled out a knife. "HEY!" A familiar voice yelled. "Leave them be!" "William!" The young boy punched the stranger in the face and stood in front of the girls. The man had fallen to the ground and when he stood back up, he was bleeding. "I cannot believe a little brat did this." "Sir, I suggest you get out of here. If I ever see you near either of these girls again, I will do more than just hit you if you ever make a 'next time' happen. Get out of my sight."

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