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Once it started getting colder, the Colemans gave to the town. Judy spent the year making scarves and hats while Eunice made mittens, gloves and sweaters. By the end of November, the Colemans gave all of those things to the town. Florence started learning how to cook from her mother, so she was able to take part in the Thanksgiving town feast and the one at Christmas. Florence made excellent mashed potatoes with the help from Judy. "They're excellent Flo!" Judy said proudly. The Colemans headed straight for town hall where the feast would take place. Eunice, Judy and Florence each carried the dish they prepared and set it on the table once they arrived. Florence and Judy both loved these get together feasts since there was a lot of time for each family to bond, and those who did not have enough money to pay for groceries got a chance to enjoy themselves around the holidays.

On December 26th, the Colemans took the day to celebrate Christmas as a family. They exchanged gifts and had their family feast. That was the day that the extended family came. First, Maple and Dean Coleman showed up. Florence and Judy were so happy to see their grandparents. "Grandmother, Grandfather!" Florence said, running to them. "Flo! How is our beautiful little munchkin?" "Hello Grandmother, Grandfather." "Judy, our lovely young lady! Thank the Lord you are well." Behind them, were Eunice's siblings, their spouses and her father. "Auntie Lucy, Uncle Joseph!" "Florence, Judy, our favorite nieces." Both girls hugged their aunt and uncle. "Can Aunt Josie and Uncle Adam have a hug?" "Of course!" Judy said, embracing her family. Florence and Judy also welcomed their twin cousins, Vincent and Kitty as they came in behind their parents. "Come in Father, it must be freezing out there!" Eunice motioned her family to come inside. Everyone left their shoes on the porch and the whole family gathered in the living room. Both Judy and Florence got new Christmas dresses with matching ribbons, sewing materials, and the newest toys on the market. Judy gave all her toys to Florence as she preferred more books for reading.

The women started preparing dinner while the men sat in the living room talking. "Mother, Aunt Eunice, may I help prepare dinner?" Kitty asked. Eunice answered immediately saying she was welcome, but Josie told her sister that Kitty hadn't learned kitchen safety yet. "No better time to learn Josie." Eunice answered, trying to persuade Josie. "Please Mother?" Kitty begged. "I will help her, Mother." "Thank you Judy. See Josie? Kitty is in great hands." "Very well, come along, you can help Judy peel the potatoes." Kitty happily started helping her cousin with the potatoes, and followed Judy's instructions on how to mash them properly. Once Eunice and Josie finished roasting a large chicken, Florence, Judy and Kitty set the table. Judy announced dinner to the family, then they all sat down. "Adam, how about you say grace tonight?" Josie asked. Everyone put their hands together and bowed their heads. "Dear God, we thank you for this holiday to gather with our loved ones, we thank you for this meal we are about to receive, we ask that you bless it to our bodies and we pray you be with us this day and always. In God's name, Amen." "Aunt Eunice, this is amazing chicken!" Vincent said. "Thank you dear!" "Thank you for letting me cook." "No problem Kitty, everyone has to learn. Florence started cooking this past year." "So you did have to wait until you were ten?" Kitty asked, looking Florence in the eyes. "Yes, but only because my parents wanted to make sure I would listen to them as well as Judy. You will be ten in two more years, no need to worry, kitchen safety is important." "That is right Florence!" "Thank you Mother." "So John, there was this family of seven or eight that we passed on the way here looking for work. I thought that since you have a large garden, you would be willing to employ some of their sons?" Adam asked. "That would be helpful on both ends. Where was this family you speak of?" "On the edge of town." "Well, with all this snow, we will need help with the shoveling, then come spring, we will need to get to gardening. I suppose tomorrow, I should go see this family."

"Great idea John. Now, it is almost 1866, so let us discuss how we are going to be better this year." Eunice suggested. "I will go first. I will be a better seamstress and wear a bit more pink than blue." "You look beautiful no matter what color you wear." "Thank you Flo." "Florence? Why don't you take your turn?" "I will help out with lunch as well as dinner, and do more for the church." "Those are excellent goals Flo." "I will behave better and treat Kitty nicer." Vincent replied.  "I will help Mother out more, do more chores around our home." (Kitty) "I will do more to secure the safety of my children and grandchildren." Eunice's father said. "We will lower the prices on our crops so the public can access their much needed nutrition." Joseph said. At the end of the night, the family began departing. Eunice hugged her brother and sister, then they were on their way. "We hope to see you soon Eunice!" Joseph said, tipping his hat to his sister. He then took Lucy's arm and led her off the Coleman property. Judy wrapped her arm around Florence and watched their relatives leave. Florence hated watching her family leave, so did Judy, but they both knew that they would get to see them again soon. Florence watched the snow shine on the ground, then looked up to the sky. It was clear with the bright moon making it lovelier than usual. "Florence? Are you coming? You will catch a cold if you stay out too long." Judy said, standing in the doorway. "Yes Judy, I am coming." Florence took one last glance at the beautiful winter sky, then went inside with her sister. 

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