Into school

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Randy's POV

Howard, Y/N, and I walk, talk and look over each other's schedule before heading to class. Luckily for all three of us we have the same first period with some dude named Mr. Bannister. Before we head over to class, I see Theresa. I couldn't help but stop and stare, she's just soooo W O W. I then hear a shriek coming from next to me.

"THERESAAAAAAAA" I see Y/N run at full speed and jump on Theresa, assuming that ungodly sound came from her.

"Y/N" Theresa giggles, she's used to her doing that. "You just saw me like a week ago and talked to me this morning, you couldn't have missed me that much."

"But I doooooo. I can't help iiiiiiiitttttt." They both laugh and Y/N jumps off. I can't help but feel jealous whenever I see them like that, like I know they're "BEST FRIENDS" but Y/N is just too clingy. SHE shouldn't be the one holding her and talking to her like that, THAT SHOULD BE ME!! I swear she does this on purpose

"Hey shoob!" Y/N yells and flicks my forehead to get my attention

" OW! Can you stop doing that?"

"My girl Theresa was trying to talk to you dipshit."

"Y/N come on, it's the first day. Can you be nicer to Randy for me?"

"It's fine Theresa. We already made a truce today to be nicer to each other." As Y/N flips me off thinking I can't see her

"Oh okay, well that's good but anyways...How are you today, Randy?"

Just her saying my name makes me melt. "O-oh you know...s-stuff?"

"What?" Oh cheese, I could see Y/N and Howard facepalm themselves

"I mean that I- I've been um uh doing-"


Howard and I sat back as Randy's dumbass was struggling to form a single word. This idiot, I can't believe Theresa likes him.

"I think what Randy is trying to say" I interrupt him to prevent him from looking even more stupid than usual. "Is that his day was great. I mean having friends like Howard and I, life is never boring. Right Howard?"

"Huh? Oh- oh yea if it wasn't for Y/N and I, Randy would be nobody" Theresa giggled at our little joke, which didn't make Randy too happy. But his reaction was priceless! He got so red and his face, he was pissed off and anyone could tell. Please he even stomped off like a child.

"Randy, wait!" Howard called out to him "Ugh he's such a shoob. Ima go after him Y/L/N, see you in class?"

"Yep I'll be there" Howard ran off to find Randy, while I stayed behind with Theresa.

"I thought you said you were being nice to Randy?" Theresa asked, ugh she looked upset.

" I was FORCED into a truce, never said I was gonna be nice....You don't actually like him do you?"

"Of course I do Y/N! You've known this for years. Can you just take this seriously, I want you two to get along just in case you know, Randy and I started dating."

" I just think you could do so much better like me." I said jokingly, while holding her hand as we walked.

"Please I love you buuuuuut no thanks.'' We both cracked up laughing, talked for a little bit as we headed to class. We ended up reaching my class first so we hugged and parted ways. Theresa and Randy dating? Over my dead fuckin body. But for some reason it bothered me more than usual like I was jealous of Theresa? PFFT AS IF.

Out of POV

You sat there outside the class thinking about how this year could go. Thinking about that stupid truce, Randy and Theresa together and A box had appeared in your room in the middle of the night. It was a white box with a cool design engraved with red on it. You kept it hidden, and haven't opened it since, but something told you that you needed to.


"Let's just get this day over with"


Hey yall! 

sorry I've been AWOL but I'm back I think, and I actually want to continue this story.

I actually like how it's going so far, and I finally have the motivation to work on it so yea. Thanks to those who are still here and care lol<3

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