Making Promises

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He once promised me he'd give me flowers.

I received a bouquet from him for the first time the next day after fighting over him not having the initiative to do so.

I mean how hard can it be to give the woman you love flowers guys!? Please!

He once promised he'd give me a teddy bear. And he said it will be the BIG one we saw at the store.

I never had it though.

Well, I know you really don't have to do it. It's too expensive and I understand that, but somehow deep inside me i kinda hoped you'd be willing to go that far for me.

I guess not.

He once promised to buy that jade necklace i so loved the moment i laid eyes on it.

I saw it while shopping for an anniversary gift for you. I could've bought it myself. I could've spent my money on that wonderful piece of beauty, but i didn't. I wanted to make you happy by buying that bag you always talked to me about.

And i did. I bought that bag to see you smile, surprised and happy, but i really loved that jade necklace.

I often visited that store just to check up on it. I saved for it but then when u found out u promised you'd be the one to buy it for me.

I felt happy. Excited. Loved.

You were not able to buy it for me and I cried despite trying hard not to cause i wouldn't want you to think you failed.

A few montha passed, we passed-by a display in the mall. It wasn't the same, not even close but it's still a jade necklace anyway and you offered to buy it for compensation.

I wear it almost everyday. And i rarely see you wear that bag i gave you. Kinda sucks.

He promised me jars for Christmas.

Just those small jars i have a fetish for. You promised me 20 of them.

Not a single one was given that Christmas.

Now you promised me a cake on my birthday. Last birthday you didn't really give me anything, so i asked for a cake this time and you promised.

My birthday is two weeks from now. Hope we're still together by then, jutst for me to know if you'd keep that promise.

After all promises are meant to be broken, but now promises are also sugar costed lies spoken.

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