the secret love

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"bye, honey! i'll see you after work" bill called out to his wife, hillary, getting into his 1967 ford mustang convertible car, sitting outside of his multi-million dollar mansion. bill is rich. extremely rich. i have no idea how, but probably from producing porn. he was extremely famous as well, being the former president of america (actually maybe that's why he's rich??), and his wife also running for president, though losing the election to donald trump. everyone thought that bill was devastated that his wife had lost the election to this orange beast, but he was hiding a massive secret. bill was in love with donald. but no one could know. the scrutiny that would be thrown at bill and his wealth, legacy, family would destroy him. this secret could never be revealed, but each and every day bill yearned for donald. just the sight of him made bill's heart flutter. he had to do something. he couldn't hold on anymore. 

bill decided to take action. instead of driving to the law firm(s) he owns, he took himself on a road... to the white house. he didn't know what he was thinking, but his heart couldn't hold on like this forever. the road seemed long and painful, but once bill had finally arrived at the gates of the white house, he didn't know what he was going to do. but there was no turning back now. 

"oh? mr clinton? what are you doing here sir?" the security guard at the gate inquired. bill sat quietly for a moment, racking his brain for an answer. his face flushed,  his heart racing. 

"uh, i must speak to president trump... immediately." bill replied

"do you have an appointment?" the guard asked

wha?? appointment? i'm the goddamn former president, surely i should still have some status around here! bill's mind raced. he clenched his teeth, and huffed quietly.

"no, but.. uh.. it's a matter concerning... national security!" the guard eyed bill for a moment, but then nodded and let him through. what was bill doing?? did he just lie to a security guard, just to talk to his love?

bill drove his 1967 ford mustang convertible right up the front of the white house, got out and stood right out the front of the entrance. his face was bright red, his heart pounding. bill took a deep breath, straightened his tie and walked inside. he made his way up to the presidential office, and knocked on the door. bill took another deep breath, this one long and shaky. 

"enter!" the voice of his love bellowed. bill's hand reached toward the door handle, opening it slowly. 

"mr. bill clinton! what on earth are you doing here?" donald trump asked, surprised to see this man in his office so unexpectantly. 

"donald trump... i have to come to tell you... i love you"

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