Now Where?

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At night fall we were all settled down. I was sat further away from everyone else, but Max sat further. Furiosa walked over to me and cupped my cheek, then walked over to Max. They stood at the front of the Rig talking, then Furiosa walked back over to me, "We're leaving tomorrow. Leaving the Rig, gonna take the bikes."
"He going?" I asked nodding towards Max.
"No, so you should go say your goodbyes," she said and then walked back to everyone else.
I walked over to Max, who had moved back to his original spot, and sat down at the front of the Rig. He stood by and moved so he was sitting right beside me, "so you're not going with us?" I asked.
Max looked over at me, "you don't belong with them. You could ride with me, if you wanted."
"I'll think about it," I said.
The next morning I woke up sitting against Max's chest. I looked up at him and he was already awake looking down at me. I pushed myself off his chest, "did you think about it?" Max asked.
"I need to stay with my sister. I'm sorry, Max," I sighed.
Max nodded and we all loaded up. Before we parted with Max, I placed a kiss to his cheek, "stay safe," I smiled. Max smiled and nodded then helped me on my back and we parted ways.
We were riding when Max caught up and stopped us, "there's nothing for you that way, but you could go back."
"Back to the Citadel?" I asked.
"What's there?" Furiosa asked.
"Green," he said.
"It's unprotected and got plenty of water," Toast said.
"It would take us weeks to get around the rock," Furiosa said.
"Go back the same way we came. Take the Rig and charge right through them," Max said.
"Take the fight to him. Keep him on Fury Road, genius," I said.
We all agreed and rode back to the War Rig. Some of the others stayed on the bikes, the girls rode in the back with Nux, Furiosa drove, and Max and I also rode in the cab getting ready to fight.
Max shot from the passenger window while I shot from the top. Nux crawled to the front and was giving the Rig a nudge forward. When he started spitting and coughing in the nitro, Max squeezed my hand, and crawled up to the hood sending Nux back inside. Max did it a few times and crawled back to the driver's side.
"We gotta back off, engine one is gone and we're about to lose 2," Furiosa said.
"Are you a black thumb?" Max asked Nux.
"Yeah," Nux said then he crawled under to repair the engine.
Max and one of the ladies from the cab were working on loosening the tanker when War boys shot harpoons in the back, "I'll go," I said.
"Be careful," Furiosa said.
"I love you too," I smiled and climbed up the top.
Just as I was crawling on the side a car full of War boys pulled up to the side and one jammed a knife in my side, "fuck!" I yelled. I pulled out the knife then turned slightly and shot the driving War boy in the face.
I was crawling up passed Max and the other woman when Max stopped me, "Jordan, your side?" He said moving my shirt so he could see.
"It's fine. Got harpoons and plows in the back," I said.
"I'll go. Leave 3 bolts!" Max said climbing up the side.
I stilled climbed up the side and was taking out the War boys that were now swinging down on the cat poles. I was fighting off the War boys when one swung down and landed on the cab, I was about to shoot when Max took him out.
I decided to head back to the cab when a War boy swung down and took Toast out of the cab, just as I saw Max get hit with an arrow.
"No!" I yelled. Then I was grabbed and put in Joe's car, "Max! Furiosa!" I screamed.
Joe sped up and got beside then in front of Furiosa. I looked back to see Max hanging from the side and Furiosa in pain, "no," I whispered and went to fight back to the Rig, but Joe put the gun to my head.
I watched as the Rig kept pace with us, I was looking for Max, then realized he was beside us in the Gas man's car. He was using the large man as a human shield. Just then his car went up in flames, he went to jump back to the Rig when he was grabbed by War boys.
Furiosa pulled up next to us and was bumping into the truck. Joe pulled forward and made sure to keep the Rig behind us.
"Furiosa!" I yelled and started to fight back to the back, Joe hit with his pistol then a hole got blown in the back.
"Rictus! Take me!" Cheedo yelled. When she got on, I noticed her looking out the back, and Rictus stayed on the War Rig trying to get the other girls, then she pulled Furiosa in.
I tried to go to the back when Joe hit me again. Furiosa was fighting and losing, then she was just gone, "no!" I screamed.
Then a harpoon came through the window, "remember me?" Furiosa yelled then Joe was dead.
"He's dead!" Cheedo yelled.
The girls all climbed over. Max helped me pull Furiosa in the back while Toast drove. Nux stayed in the Rig and drove, then we watched as he wrecked the Rig, closing the cannon behind us.
Furiosa was in the back laying down, "why is she making that sound?" Cheedo asked.
"It's the death rattle, she's going fast," I said.
"I'm sorry," Max said and stabbed her in the side to allow air in her lungs, "she's lost to much blood,"
Max pulled her up to his ear, "get them home," was all she said.
"No," Max said and started to set things up to give blood. I started to push the needle in my arm, but Max took it from me, "not you. I want to look at your side," he said and rigged himself.
When Furiosa had a good amount of blood and was doing better, Max unhooked himself and pushed me on my side pulling up my shirt, "well how's it look doc?" I joked.
"It's not funny. You could've been seriously hurt," he grunted.
"I've had worse," I said feeling my own eyes harden at saying that.
Max looked at me, "it doesn't need stitches."
"That's good," I said, "can I sit up now?" I asked. Max nodded and helped me up. He switched spots with Toast and drove the rest of the way back. I sat so I was beside Max and was holding Furiosa's hand.
When we got back Max crawled to the hood and uncovered Joe's body, then helped Furiosa and I climb to the hood. While we were being lifted up Max grabbed me and pulled me to the side, "the offer still stand to come with me."
I smiled, kissed his cheek, and held up my finger, then walked over to my sister, "can we talk?" I asked.
"Go. You never really belonged here. You belong out there. You belong with Max," she smiled. I nodded then hugged her, "promise to stop in?"
"Promise. I love you, Furiosa," I smiled.
"I love you," she smiled. Then I walked back to Max.
"Not gonna bale last second are you?" Max asked.
I smiled, "no, I'm going. She'll be fine without me. I don't belong here."
Max nodded, smiled, and grabbed my hand then we both jumped down walking through the crowd. Furiosa looked down and locked eyes with both us and nodded.

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