Chapter 15

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Few days ago,

"biology presentations! I'll be assigning your respective partners" the energetic Ms.Lee states. Shinrae packed up her things quickly before the teacher mentions her name. She knew right after this, they are going be assigned to discuss before end of period.

"...sun oh with shinrae," her head turned to look for sun oh. She didn't expect she'd be partnered up him. It's not like she didn't like him, she never knew he existed as he is always far from the radar; loves being alone. Scanning the whole classroom, she quickly spots him sitting by the top right end of the class as he waved his hand up to her.

The two got along with eachother quickly, Shinrae was amused by his sense of humor yet lowkey personality. Something she didn't quite expect, coming from the quiet ones. The discussion has gone so far clear which had only left them to the distribution of the presentation itself. Moreover, they've already developed such a friendship.

"here's my number, call me," Shinrae spoke with a smile as she wrote her number on his notebook. Sun oh gave her a quick smile before saying eachothers goodbyes before separating to their respective classes.


Present day,

Jaemin's eyes fluttered open as his eyes made contact with the sun that has shone into his room. He sat up, stretched his arms as he made his way into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. He left the bathroom and exited his room, heading straight downstairs.

Making his way down, he thought of how quiet the house was. The energy just felt so empty as he couldn't hear anyone downstairs. He turned towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water. Jaemin leaned back against the counter as he drank. Not long after that, he heard footsteps entering the kitchen as he looked up to see who it was.

Right upon him stood an unknown male individual that made Jaemin choke on his water as he panicked. The male individual saw Jaemin in distress as he came up to him quickly, patting his back.

"yo man are you okay?" he spoke looking concern. Jaemin was coughing as he struggled to respond to him.

"Shinrae!" he yells.

The young man quickly grabbed Jaemin's glass, filling it up with water and gave it him as he drinks. Jaemin let out a huge breath of relief as he finally regained back his breathing.

"thanks," he said, looking back at the young man as he eyed him up and down. He was completely astonished by the way he looks, how attractive yet smart looking. He small spark of jealousy got him, the thought of this boy is who he is soon to possibly be up against. Rushing footsteps enters the kitchen and there she stood with wide eyes.

"shit!" she cussed in shock. And that moment has finally hit him, that shinrae was supposed to be having her friend over for her project.

"what's going on here?" she asked calmly, eyes making contact with Jaemin.

"its my fault, i entered the kitchen without saying anything and scared your brother," the other male explained. Jaemin mouthed out "sorry" to Shinrae as she bit her lip to calm herself.

"he's actually my cousin, he's staying over for awhile," she spoke as she leaned against the door frame. Jaemin turned to the young man as he extends his arm,

"i'm minjae, nice to meet you," he spoke, feeling embarrassed at what he said. He turned to Shinrae as she face palmed herself, with her little friend not knowing it.  He stepped forward and shook his hand,

"im lee sun oh, likewise," he smiled.

The two partners finally left the kitchen and went back to their study space outside by the living room dining table. Jaemin was left in the kitchen, still feeling quite shaky at what just happened. He was also glad that Sun oh doesn't  recognize who Jaemin was.

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