~fancy seeing you here~

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You are called Laura btw.

You are woken up by your phone buzzing like mad and you realise the time 10:29pm. It's not that late but your parents are out on vacation and you are old enough to look after yourself(17). You climb out of bed and decide to go on a walk. You throw on a large shirt and some black jeans, you put on some white air forces because why not. You snatch your phone of the side and walk to the stairs. You slowly make your way down the stairs looking at the texts from your friends. -2 of your friends are still awake- Isobel is texting the group chat and so is Ella. (They r your friends btw) You just ignore them and walk to the front door locking it behind you. You slowly walk to the forest because that is where you always go. Around 11:00 you see a mysterious figure in the area where you are but you never get the chance to say anything to them so today is your day. You look at the clock on your phone and it's 10:57pm. You walk towards your usual spot and see the same figure.
"Hey! What are you doing?" You call to them. They turn around and walk off into the distance.you follow them but end up losing them. *snap* you turn around and see nothing . Then all of a sudden you see black.


I walk towards my usual spot where I see the girl who always comes on a walk. I never see her face but I assume she is a girl. I set off because today is the day that I have a task. My task is to kidnap her and take her to someone. I eventually get there and I see her but I don't look at her.
"Hey! What are you doing?" She says. I don't answer her I just turn around and walk off behind a tree. A fox snaps on a twig behind her as she flips her head around. My perfect moment. I run towards her and put a plastic bag over her head. Her muffled screams pierce my ears as I drag her back. I eventually get back to my destination and tie her down to the chair.


You get dragged until you reach a big room and you get tied to a chair. All your screaming and kicking tired you out as you don't hesitate to get tied up. You hear muffling sounds around you as someone took a bag off your head slowly. You look around gasping for air as you see 3 tall men stood together and one of them looked exactly like the figure you saw in the forest. There was a woman standing next to them. She looked really pretty but very pale and thin. One of the men started talking. His hair was long and white and he had a staff in his hand.
"Ah you must be Laura, we have heard so much about you!" The man started to speak.
"Who are you? And why am I here?" You screamed struggling to get out of the ropes grip.
"I am Lucius and this is my son Draco." He says pointing to the young boy with the same hair colour as him but shorter. Draco spoke.
"Sorry for the plastic bag attack earlier." He says. You instantly looked him in the eye and he fell to the floor in pain. The women rushed towards him and asked him what's wrong. Lucius in fact looked and Draco then looked at you in shock. You looked at Lucius and Draco stood back up again. Lucius walked up to you and placed his staff on your chin.
"What in the devil are you?!" He shouted. You hissed at him as he backed away. Lucius went back to Draco and the women and whispered something in Draco's ear. Draco walked towards you and untied you. Draco grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into a cellar. You screamed at him as he locked the door behind him...

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