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You roam around the house as vampires don't sleep. You wandered up the cold stairs into a bedroom. Not any bedroom but Draco's bedroom. You see him lying on his bed fast asleep. You wonder how you got in this mess. You plant yourself on Draco's window ledge and you stare at his sleepiness. He muffled his voice but you couldn't understand it. He twitches in his sleep as he whimpers too. You don't realise how long you have been there, the sun starts to rise. You feel a burning sensation on your back as the sun rises. You quickly jump off the window ledge and hurry out of Draco's room. You walk downstairs as you hear a muffling sound coming from the dining room. You walk in and see Lucius and Narcissa on the table chatting to one another.
"Ah good morning my sweet daughter!" Narcissa says.
"Good morning Laura." Lucius says looking at you.
"Good morning mother and father." You say back smiling at them both and taking a seat next to your mother.
"Did you sleep alright my love?" Narcissa says putting her cold hand on yours.
"Vampires don't sleep mother." You say.
"Oh yeah right sorry darling." She says back turning pink in the face.
"Laura we have a meeting today and we would like you to come along and join us. We shall give you something called a dark mark at the meeting today to show that you are in our family" Lucius says.
"Yes father that is fine I would love to come to the meeting today!" You say. Draco trods himself downstairs and slouches on a chair next to his father.
"Good morning Draco." Narcissa says looking at Draco and giving him a smile.
"Morning mother." Draco says giving Narcissa a smile.
"Good morning Draco" Lucius says.
"Good morning father." Draco says not making eye contact with him.
"Morning Draco!" You say cheerfully.
He sits up from his slouch.
"Good morning Laura." He says.
"I hope you had a good wander around the house whilst we were sleeping. I know you don't sleep" Draco continued.
"Yes I did actually. I found some wonderful things. The library is possibly my favourite. I learnt about amortentia and Irish pixies." You say. Narcissa looks at you and smiles. A little figure walks towards Lucius.
"Oakley has Mail for master." The creature says handing the letters over to Lucius. Lucius doesn't say anything. You look really confused At Lucius so He says
"oh Laura you haven't met Oakley yet. He is our house elf. Oakley this is Laura!" Lucius says and points in your direction. Oakley looks around the table to see you.
"Master who may this beautiful people be? Master Draco's girlfriend?" Oakley says. Draco mumbled something under his breath but it was too quiet to hear.
"Oakley no you studied elf it's our daughter Draco's sister." Lucius says.
"Oakley apologises to master and welcomes Laura to the Malfoy family." Oakley says.
"Thank you Oakley I will love it here" you say. Draco, Lucius and Narcissa all look at you confused.
"What we all can be nice you know?" You say giving them all a look.


I put my head down after Laura's distinctive remark on being nice. Ugh it makes me sick to her such thing. Laura puts her head down as  father was handing out the letters. Most of them were his on his death eater meetings but there where 2 Hogwarts letters for Laura. Lucius handed them to Laura. Laura opened them up.


You opened the letters:

Laura Malfoy,

You are indeed welcome to Hogwarts school witchcraft and wizardry. I would like to inform you that I am the headmaster professor dumbledore and I will be meeting you at Hogwarts train station and 11am sharp. There will be 3 people from a house called Hermione granger, Ronald Weasley and Harry Potter who will be taking you around Hogwarts and you will have all classes with them.

Enjoy the rest of your evening,

Professor dumbledore.

The second letter was different:

Laura Malfoy,

Hello I'm Hermione granger and I will be your best friend if you'd like. I will meet you in the great hall after Professor dumbledore has brought you to Hogwarts. We will have all classes together and with Harry and Ronald too. I hope you enjoy our company and see you soon.
Hermione Granger.

The letters were amazing. They brought joy to your heart.
"Now Laura we have packed everything you need for Hogwarts but all you need is a wand. Draco will you take Laura to ollivanders this afternoon to get a wand please?" Narcissa asked.
"Of course mother" Draco says looking excited.

The time came where you and Draco had to go to Ollivanders for a wand. You use floo powder and immediately spawn inside Ollivanders wand shop.

The "Muggle"Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ