Burrito Madness

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Chapter 5

Cashmerres pov

They say the blacker the berry , the sweeter the juice

I say the darker the flesh is , the deeper the roots

I give a shoutout to my sisters on welfare , tupac cares but dont nobody else care.........

"Cash hurry yo ass up!" Scooby said as i got out the car. We been sitting here for three hours waiting for this burrito man to close his stand and now that he finally did we was on the move.

"Shut the hell up scooby." I said as we mad our way to the burrito stand. Scooby picked the lock and the door swung open. We walked in and started looking around.

"All i see is ingredients and sauce and shit." I said as I looked.

"Keep looking I know this burrito nigga hiding something." He said opening the icebox and pulling out a wrapped burrito.

"Really nigga?" I said as he took a bite.

"Dont judge me hoe a nigga got the munchies." He said opening a can of pepsi.

"So you high?" I asked as i kept looking around.

"Hell yea , you think i woulda sat in that car for 3 hours sober." He said. I shook my head as I opened what looked like a closet door.

"Ayye scooby check this out." I said as he finished his burrito.

"What nigga?" He said standing beside me. The closet was filled with food and drinks.

"This ain't nothing.....keep looking." He said walking away. I studied the closet , something wasn't right about it. I knocked all the food and drinks off the shelf and came in contact with wall paper. I smiled as i found what i was looking for. I punched a hole in the wall and started peeling the wall paper down.

"Cash what the hell.......Oh shit!" He yelled as he saw what i found behind the wall paper. Over 4 kilos of cocaine and shit load of weed and cash.

"Ima call varo , you pull the car to the back." He said I nodded my head and did what i was told.


After varo came and called some other members to come help out we got to business. We collected all the merchandise and took it back to the trap. It was what the dudes stole and more.

"I love yo ass." Varo said kissing my neck. We had just got home from the trap and now we're just laying down.

"I love you too." I said straddling him. He put his hands on my waist and smirked.

"How much?" He said rubbing my thighs.

"Not enough to go there with you." I said getting off of him and laying beside him.

"Damn ma , i wasnt even thinking about that." He said laughing.

"mmmhmm Whatever." I said playing with his curls.

"So when you gone read the letter." He said looking up at me.

"No time soon." I said not wanting to talk about it.

"And why not?"

"Because im not ready for whatevers in it , what if its saying my fathers dead or in jail , im not ready to face that." I said seriously.

"But you just can't run from it cash , eventually you will have to open it and face whats inside." He said.

"So how you feel about scooby having a child?" I asked changing the subject.

" I guess its cool.....I wasnt expecting it though." He said shaking his head.

" Yea me too.... I feel bad for him.. I know he going crazy." I said rolling a blunt.

" He shouldn't be... He know we got him and his little girl."

"Yea.... well I'm going to sleep." I said putting out the blunt.

"Alright...... Gimme a kiss first." He said pulling my face towards he's. I giggled and pecked his lips.

" Goodnight ugly ass." I said getting under the cover.


Micheals pov.

" i'll see you later." I said giving her another kiss.

" you better call me tonight." She said giving off that attitude i fell inlove with.

" I will now gone." I said. She smiled and walked out the door.

I shook my head and watched her get in her car and drive off. I closed the door and went upstairs to my room to take a shower. Me and tracy been messing around for a month now and i think im ready to make her mine but i need her to get herself together first. Yall probably haven't noticed but she changed alot after what happened with deshawn. Like she doesn't trust me , every other day she accuse me of shit that i dont even know about and she says that i don't trust her and im holding stuff against her because of what happened. I don't know , she just need to get her shit together.

I hopped out the shower and picked up my ringing phone.

" Ayye wassup marco." I said wrapping a towel around my waist.

" I need yo help bruh." I rolled my eyes and walked out the bathroom. Its always something with this nigga.

" What is it now marco." I said.

" can you meet me some where?"

This nigga.

" Nigga just tell me what you want." I said getting irritated. Every since my momma took this fool in awhile back he been nothing but trouble.

" I got into some shit and the cops is after me." I sighed and pulled on some boxers and sweats with a hoodie.

" What the fuck you do now." I said knowing my momma is going to blame me for this just like the other times.

" I was hanging with rocky and nem and they shot up some houses and now the cops is after us."

" Why the fuck would you do some dumb shit like that." I said putting on my shoes.

" I didnt do shit i was just in the car man , I swear." He said. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door.

" Where you at man." I said with a sigh.

" Meet me at moms." He said and hung up. I threw the phone in the passenger sit and started the car headed to moms.

I swear I can never have a normal day.


Scooby and cash is so funny together.

More drama ahead so be patient.

Next few chapters is mostly going to be micheal sooooooo yea.

Until next time thugs and thuggettes.





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