Chapter 6

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First off, I'd like to thank you all for being very patient and understanding with chapters, my motivation and what not.

The final decision has been to get ghost writers! I have a discord server where we'll announce chapter writers, have competitions and what not. This gives me the time to spend working on a different dreamno book so I hope you're excited for that!

If you're interested in becoming a ghost writer, please don't just leave a random comment and saying so because I don't have enough time to check all comments. Please text my discord (sloofyeee#7161) and just scream DREAMNO and I'll invite you :]




EDITOR: me :)


(writing style is a lot different than what you're used to but I hope you enjoy the story :])

The group of boys crossed all of the hallways until they reached the opposite side of the castle. The guards left and the only people in the corridor were the remaining group of four.  Dream waited patiently for Techno to open the door while the two younger boys gleamed with excitement knowing they will get the chance with two of the greatest fighters in the land.

Techno awkwardly fiddled with the doorknob before managing to unlock the gate that led into breathtaking scenery.

The winners stood with their jaws to the floor, awestruck. And even Dream, who should be used to the setting, was choked to see how well it was taken care of this place.

But of course, everyone would be in awe. A ghostly light came from the glass dome above them, one that had snowflakes carved into them. A marble archway that extended above the entrance with rose tangled vines climbing its surface. The floor was made of pearly smooth stone but had patterns of diamonds engraved inside it. Finally, in the middle of the area was a statue. The statue of a graceful angel built in terracotta loomed over the place, leaving a large shadow on the ground from its enormous wings that elegantly grew from its back. Doves delicately perched on its shoulders, chirping and singing to each other.

The frozen air wafted into their faces leaving the scrawny boys shivering. Techno, who was already accustomed to the cold, didn't even flinch. Dream just glanced around worryingly, trying to figure out a way to warm the boys up. The excited fighters turned to each other, sticking together trying to find warmth in the embrace of themselves. They desperately wanted to seem strong in front of their idols.

"Techno?" Dream spoke, turning the attention of the pinkette to him "I think we should get them some warmer clothes." Techno spun around. Tommy was keeping up a facade that was hard to read, but the shorter boy's trembling smile gave them away.

He walked towards the boys, throwing his mahogany red cape off his shoulders, and hugging the frames of the shivering fighters with it. They smiled up at him and closed the gap between them so that the garment would cover them completely, moving backward in sync to stay on one of the stairs. Being left in his white undershirt made a chilly feeling broke down Techno's spine, remaining stoic since his skin was already getting comfortable.

"Dream, go get a sword" the tall prince mumbled, pointing to a nearby wall with silver weapons hanging off of it. The man in the hoodie stumbled over on some small decorative rocks. He grabbed two fencing swords with covered pointy tips and ashen handles. Silver blade shining in the incandescent, "Let's show these kids some tricks"

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