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"God he looks so beautiful in his dress!" Chloe said with a dumbass smile as her wife, Sofia, passed her coffee over. "Who does?" She asked a bit confused, her big, cute eyes wide with curiosity. "My lil bro Remy ya dumb kitty" Chloe giggled, showing her the pic of Remy in his dress. "Awww! What a cute little boy!" She giggled, sitting on the bigger cow's lap, snuggling against her. "But enough about him. All of next week is about little Remy. Tonight is for us" Chloe said happily, nuzzling the back of Sofia's head, and teasingly munching gently on her hair. "Gah! Stop that tickles!" She giggled, causing Chloe to drop her hair. "Boring" she teased, taking a sip from her coffee. Sofia however, smirked, turning and licking Chloe's face with that rough feline tongue causing her to laugh. "S-Sofia! Stop!" She laughed, trying to stop her by pushing her off, but only achieving groping her small breasts through her loose crop top. Of course, these 2 were no strangers to sudden sex, both were generally very horny. Right now Sofia wore a crop top and panties while Chloe wore only her underwear. "Trying to flirt with me Chloe?~" Sofia asked with a grin, which was met with a grin from Chloe before they kissed each other passionately, longing it out. Chloe slid her hand up under Sofia's shirt, feeling her breasts, while the feisty kitten slid her hand down into Chloe's panties to really tease her. Chloe broke it, moaning before grabbing her arm and pulling her now wet hand out. She was red, horny and grinning, but said "Later sweet pea~" before sucking on her fingers to lick all the juices off, making Sofia go crimson with a dumbass yet stunned smile. "We have plenty to do in the meantime" she said, kissing those slightly ajar, stunned lips. "Wh-What do you we have to do?" She asked and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Well, we aren't ready to go to the farm, and we said we would be there this evening. My mum's very cranky when you're late" she said and Sofia chuckled, scratching the back of her head. "Yeah, I remember. Gave me an earful for being 5 minutes late to pick you up on our first date" she said and Chloe giggled, standing up with her. "That's my ma" she said, smiling. "Well, what's there to do?" Sofia asked and Chloe sighed, a more What am I gonna do with you sigh than an annoyed one. "Pack clothes. Appropriate ones!" She said and Sofia pulled a sulking face. "We're going for my little brother's wedding, not to have sex" she said, which was met with big kitty eyes and a sad pout. As always, Chloe melted at the sight and caved. "Fiiine. Some... naughty things" she winked and Sofia jumped with a giggle and cuddled her, purring softly. "Thanks, love ya!" She said happily and Chloe smiled. "God you're too cute" she said licking her hair, causing it to stick up and her to whine. "Well, we also need to finish, or rather start, wrapping his wedding presents, aaaaand... no that's actually about it" she said, before Sofia added "And sex" making Chloe roll her eyes with a smile. "Yes, yes. But that comes last" she said and Sofia nodded, not without looking sad about it. "Well. I'll get to wrapping, you wanna get our clothes?" She asked and Sofia stood to attention, back straight and comically saluted. "Yes ma'am!" She almost shouted and ran off to their room. "I'm gonna regret that" Chloe muttered to herself but shook her head, heading over to the cupboard to grab some wrapping paper. As she reached in to grab it, something hit her butt, almost making her lose her balance. "Sofia!" She yelped out and heard giggling. "Can't resist. It's just so plump and beautiful~" she teased, running back to their room as Chloe shook her head smiling. She took the wrapping paper back to the table and pondered how to wrap. She had gotten Remy and Seth a bottle of champagne to celebrate, with 2 champagne glasses with their names on and finally 3 pillows, customised with pictures from a photo booth the couple had done. Sofia had gotten them both a CD and a vinyl disc for Seth of his and Remy's favourite songs, and they had both put in around $8000 collectively. Chloe being a model made a lot of money, but didn't find a need for it all, and was more than happy to give some to her little brother. She started to wrap up the bottle, humming some abba to herself. It was one of the things her and Karla had in common. Both her and Karla were disappointed they weren't born early enough to see them perform live, but it's not like there's much she could do about that. She began to wrap the box with the glasses in before Sofia snuck up behind her. "Hellu~" she said, pulling a cute face making Chloe giggle and kiss her. "Hello sweet pea. Done already?" She asked and Sofia nodded. "Have you just dumped all our clothes in again?" She asked and noticed Sofia's gaze drift to the floor, the wall, the cabinet, anywhere but at Chloe. "Nooo" she said and Chloe sighed. "Sofia Kesling-Waller! Get back in there and pack properly!" She said and Sofia groaned. "Why can't you be as submissive every day as you are in sex?" She questioned openly as she slumped off back to their room making Chloe giggle. "Now, where was I?" She said, turning back and picking the box back up. She measured the wrapping paper, cut it multiple pieces of tape off and stuck them to the edge of the counter, and began expertly wrapping. When she was done, not a single crease, nothing going too far over. It looked perfectly. She now only had to do that 4 more times. She didn't let that stop her, she powered on, wrapping all the gifts in about 10 minutes. She smiled, proud with herself. Then she poured, wondering why it was taking Sofia so long. She headed to their room, knocking before walking in. "Sofia? What's the hold up?" She asked before blushing slightly, seeing Sofia by the washing basket, sniffing some of Chloe's dirty undies. Of course, she went bright red. "U-Uh this isn't what it looks like!" She stuttered but Chloe grinned, shaking her head. "God you are so horny" she said, before slipping off the panties she was wearing and chucking them at her, which smacked her right in the face. "Oops! Sorry" she giggled, unclipping her bra and letting her tits out. "Now, get naked and on the bed" she said, moving their suitcase onto the floor. "Of course. Just remember who's in charge around here~" Sofia purred, slipping her shirt off, letting her little a-cups loose, followed by her cute yellow panties. "I'll do my best~" she said, laying on the bed, waiting for the smaller, 5 foot 9 cat to join her. Which she did, not before licking up her thigh with her rough tongue, lapping her pussy gently and sucking on her clit. "You really know how to pleasure a woman don't you?~" Chloe grinned with a red face and Sofia grinned back, kissing her. Chloe kissed back, reaching down and touching herself. At least until Sofia smacked her hand gently. "No no! No touching yourself!" She ordered. "Yes mistress~" she grinned as the athletic girl basically flipped over backwards, and quickly got the both of them into a scissoring position. "Ah your personal favourite I see?~" Chloe said before Sofia starting to slide something inside her. "O-Oh! We haven't done this in a while~" she panted, as it was big. "Thought I'd swap it up. Been wanting to do this for about 3 days" she purred, before gasping and squeaking cutely as she said the other end of the double sided dildo inside herself, and slid down until their clits met. "You alright hun?" Chloe asked and she nodded. "I-It's pretty big huh?" She panted and Chloe nodded, before she started to slide up and down it slowly. Sofia matched her soon, both of them moaning as the large toy really pushed deep into the both of them. "M-My pussy feels like it's gonna break. How are you doing?" Sofia panted, speeding up a bit. "I'm pretty used to it now. But I guess I'm bigger than you" she said, before letting out a soft moan. "W-Well let's speed this up" Sofia said, sliding faster and moaning, adding to the moans of her wife and the soft wet schlaps from the dildo and their pussies slapping together. It was pure bliss for both women, and they both kept speeding up, little by little, and getting louder. "S-Sofia! I-Im gonna cum!" Chloe moaned before moaning loudly, eyes squeezed shut as she squirted all over Sofia's crotch. Sofia panted, going faster before she gasped and squirted too, flinging her head back and moaning. When she was done she just lay back, panting heavily before sitting up to see Chloe doing the same. She smiled, pulling herself off the dildo and crawling up, kissing the cow softly. "God I love you~" she said and purred as Chloe hugged her. "I love you too~" she said with a warm smile, still breathing heavily. "Such a prize catch you were" Sofia said with a giggle and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Yeah. How did you get so lucky?" She said and kissed her, before sitting up. "One day we'll understand, but for now let's get back to packing then we'll head off" she said, standing up with the smaller kitty clinging to her. "Why not just take everything? It's easier" Sofia said and Chloe sighed again. "You know why silly kitty. We're going for a weekend, not a month. And besides, I don't need a winter jacket in the middle of June" she said and Sofia pouted before shrugging. "Fair enough" she said and got down. Chloe went over and took out everything from their large suitcase, then started to sort, packing herself underwear, 2 cute summer dresses, her formal dress for the wedding, some sexy lingerie for the bedroom as well as some toys, and her straw hat she liked. "Here's my stuff!" Sofia said, pushing over a few cute outfits which Chloe packed. "There. All done. That wasn't so hard was it?" She said, picking up her underwear from the floor and putting it back on. "Nah. It's hard however when there's such a heavenly scent coming from the washing basket" she said with a giggle, getting dressed as Chloe put on some skinny, at least for a cow, jeans and a cute blouse. "Right, I'll go pack the car up, you get dressed and say goodbye to your plants" Chloe teased taking the suitcase as Sofia tripped over the booty shorts round her ankles to try and stop her. "Hey! They need me to keep them alive! I don't have to say goodbye like they're my children!" She called after her and Chloe giggled. "Sure love. You definitely don't talk with little "Jeremy" do you" she said to no reply, making her giggle as she slipped into some trainers and went out to the back of their range rover, putting the suitcase in, before heading back in to grab the presents. "It's okay Jeremy, she meant nothing by it" Sofia said softly, watering her peace lily, making Chloe smirk. "Want me to apologise to him?" She asked making Sofia give out an "Eek!" of surprise. "God you're too cute" Chloe giggled, picking up some of the presents and taking them back to the car. "You need to stop being so mean to me Chloe!" Sofia said, running out after her with the pillows. "I'm not. It's just light teasing" she said packing everything in the back, then closing the boot. "Go finish up, then we'll be heading off" she said, giving Sofia a kiss and getting into the driver's seat.

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