The Woman

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We took our time on that evening and drifted away from all the others. I agreed to go back with him. Back to the 54. regiment.
Just to stay over the two nights. Then i had to go to my regiment because we would start marching on to Fort Wagner.

I got up and stretched. Of course I slept in Cabots tent. Not with him. We were both to drunk . But I couldn't lie with him for long. As soon as the first rays of sun touched the world. Maybe also because so many thoughts ran through my head. I knew Fort Wagner was difficult to take. It could be one of the last battles. Probably because you dying doing it. But then there was this new bond with a person who had grown very dear to my heart. I didn't want die for it anymore.

I looked over my shoulders back to the tent I had just come out of and took further steps. Just to meet Trip and Jupiter. "Nice to s-see you." Jupiter greeted me and I smiled at him. "I hope you keep my brother on trap." Trip crossed his arms. "He does that himself and if not we, then she." "She?" I asked and Jupiter nodded. "He talked to the w-wo-woman and she said yes. Now she's p-part of the group." The woman I saw him with at the party. Cabot told about her. "She's not a late riser," said Trip. "Where is she?" He nodded and pointed in one direction at the same time. Time to take a closer look at this woman.

I left the two of them and followed the trail that was soon paired with the sound of steel clashing. I stayed hidden as I got closer. Saw my brother and this woman practice duel with their sharp weapons.
I always lost to my brother in fencing. But this woman seemed to manage that he was challenged. Which is not to say that I was bad. He was just a bit better.
The woman's brown hair wafted in the air as she jumped forward and pressed her rapier against his. They stood close together now, the swords between them, they looked into each other's eyes. "You are really good." He said and pushed against it with all his might. A mischievous smile appeared on her lips. "You're just forgetting one thing ..." he began, then grabbed her other wrist and rolled her arm behind her back.

She turned with her so that her back was now to my brother. The sword still in her hand, which she now held with all her strength so as not to give my brother's blade the opportunity to injure her. "Give up," he whispered as he put his head next to hers. His cheek touched hers. You could see on his face that he was trying hard to win this competition. "Oh, never Colonel," she replied, turning her head and kissing his cheek.
He was so surprised that he turned his head to hers that they briefly touched her lips. He loosened the grip and the pressure on the sword so that she pulled his legs away with one skillful attack. He hit the ground. She was over him and held the tip of the blade to his neck. "Maybe I should lead the regiment." She remarked and grinned triumphantly.
"You talk like my sister. Glad that you met me." Robert uttered and let her help him up.

"Ah yes. I've heard of her. Extraordinary. Either you joke in her name or you show respect.", She explained and put her sword back. "She's stubborn. She got that from mother. Back to you, where did you learn to fight like that?"
The woman smiled and took a few steps so that I had to shift my position. "You still have to be able to defend yourself as a woman. The world of men is so narrow and thinks they can do anything with us. So I made it myself and tried to help those who needed it." "Like me." She nodded and was about to leave him when he stopped her. She stopped. "I would like you to be major."

I didn't hear well. Cabot was a major. I didn't even know if it was possible to name two and mentally ran through our officers. "That's a big leap. It would be unwise for you to promote me like this. The men would only think you're doing this because you have other intentions," she interjected.
Robert gave a short laugh, looked at the floor and walked towards her. "You don't think I need to flatter you to get more, do you?" he started and it almost reminded me of last night. Of this Robert whom I didn't know. The woman just looked at him when he stopped briefly in front of her. "I will think about it"


I think I will finish this little love story soon. The battle of Fort wagner getting sooner. :)

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