Matt x Edd

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It was currently 1:08 in the morning. Edd couldn't sleep due to his insomnia, so he stared at the ceiling, counting each and every little crack. He sighed, turning onto his side. Edd had been thinking about Matt for at least an hour now, and found it comforting. His hair, the way he smiled, and that bulge. Though every so often, he would try to bite Edd, and he had to try his best to keep matt off of him. Or himself off of Matt. After a minute more of thinking, he finally gave up and fell asleep. He dreamed about Matt, though it was a little more touchy (if ya know what I mean 👉👌) than he would have thought. He didn't know how much longer he could keep himself off of Matt, but today was the day that his dream would come true.

Edd groaned as he sat up. He had only got 3 hours of sleep. He went to his closet and chose one of the many, many, many green hoodies that he had. He had it halfway on his chest when he heard his door crack. He almost snapped his neck when he turned around. It was Matt. He slammed the door shut and locked it, putting his back up against it and sitting down. Edd was confused, and slid on the rest of his hoodie. He walked over to him in a calm manner. Matt looked up at him. "Do NOT go out there." He stated. " Why?" Edd asked. Matt just shook his head. Edd sat next to Matt. Still confused, Edd asked, "Are Tom and Tord fighting again...?" " ...Yes. " Matt didn't seem the same after  he ran in here, but I wanna fix that. Edd thought. He turned his head and kissed Matt on the cheek. He lit up like a christmas light. Matt looked at him, and tye two slowly leaned toward each other. Their lips collided in the blink of an eye. It was passionate. Then, they let go, saliva stil connecting them. Edd hugged Matt. "I love you." He said. "Me too" Matt replied.

Sinsworld presents: TordTom and MattEdd!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora