Chapter 1

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*8 am*

Splendor man was waking up early that morning to make coffee for him and his brothers. While he waited for the coffee to finish brewing he heard a noise outside the front door. He brushed it away thinking that it was just a wild animal when he heard the same sound again but slightly louder he decided to go investigate what was making the sounds. When he got to the door and opened it he saw nothing initially but when he went to close the door he spotted something on the stoop in front of him. It was two babies, both boys. One boy had bright blue and dark hair while the other had auburn eyes also with dark hair. Splendor man not seeing anyone around picked up the two children. When he looked at the kids they immediately smiled at him and laughed. Splendor man smiled back and laughed lightly not wanting to wake up his brothers yet. He always loved children, unlike his older brother Slender man who absolutely hated them. Splendor man was thinking of a way to tell his brother about the children when he heard someone coming down the stairs, panicking Splendor threw a cover over the kids and sat in front of them hoping no one would see them. He waited and saw that it was Trender man that came down. He relaxed  though not entirely, though Trendy ( Trender) was kind he was also the more resonable one other than Slender and would probably be the one to agree that they should get rid of the childeren becuase of the dangers.

" Hey Splendor what you doing up so early?"

" Nothing just making coffee cause no one else knows how to." he replied 

" Not my fault you get to go places and watch people make it. Slender usually lets you do or have anything you want." Trender said. Trender ent into the kitchen and grabbed himself a cup of coffee before coming back into the livingroom. While walking back he noticed that Splendor ( Splendy) was a little tense. 

' I wonder what is up with him.?'

" Hey Splendy what's wrong you seem a bit tense."  Splendor jumped not prepared for the question.

" N-nothing is wrong brother." before Tender could say anything movement next to Splendor caught his attention. He reached over and pulled the cover that was hiding the children under it off. When Splendor saw what he was doing it was too late to stop him. He closed his eyes (he is the only one with eyes) thinking Trender would yell at but he didin't hear anything, so he looked up at his brother who was staring at the kids with confusion, shock and fear but not for himself or Splendor but for the kids themselves.

"W-where did you get them?" Trender asked with a slight shaky voice.

" I found them on the stoop outside." Trender wasn't surprised he had been around long enough to know what happend to unwanted kids. He also knew Splendor wouldn't skip out of a chance to bring kids home with him. What he was scared about was what would Slender say or do. He knew Slenderman hated people and especually hated children. Trender was pulled out of his thoughts by Splendor.

" What am I gonna do, Slender is going to kill me when he sees them. He'll get rid of the, possibly leave them to die. Or probably..."

"Hey, hey, hey, you're over thinking things. Why don't we try to convience Slender to let you keep and raise them?" he cut in.

" But what if he doesn't?" Splendor asked

"That broher, I can not tell the answer too."

The two brothers sat together on the couch with the two babies when mexy walked into the livingroom. The two brothers, no knowing how to respond, could only stare at Smexy as he stood completely still. No one said or did anything for a good minute or two before Splendor spoke up.

" Please don't tell Slender please." he peleaded.

" Don't worry brother. I won't  snitch only if you do me a favor later." he said while smirking.

"O-okay." he said nervously, not knowing what  Smexy wanted as a favor.

"Well, when do you plan to tell Slender about the two ankle biters." he questioned

" I don't know yet, soon I hope." Splendor responded.

"Well your lucky. He doesn't wake up until around 4 pm."

" I know." Splenor sighed.

" You know what." Slender said, standing in the doorway.

(Cliffhanger I had to it was the only way)

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