"when have i ever done something dumb?"

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a/n: these are some of the things i have actually done and i cannot say that i am proud:')
also, this was really rushed(i'm sure you can tell) so the replies may not fit their personalities:')) msorry

when have i ever done
something dumb?

tiny captain:
oh u wanna know? i have
a list that's arranged

when have i ever done
something dumb?

baby dragon:
may i remind you of
the time you scanned
a bus ticket to get in
your own house

when have i ever done
something dumb?

golden retriever:
i mean, i don't blow my
ice cream before i eat it
but maybe i'm the weird

when have i ever done
something dumb?

hehetmon's father:
lol says the one who
fucking microwaved
a single cheeto

when have i ever done
something dumb?

dimpled demon:
it's okay, y/n we all have
our flaws but pls don't
randomly yell "poop"
while we're eating

when have i ever done
something dumb?

vocalist wannabe:
who sent me a screenshot
trying to show me their
broken screen again?😌

when have i ever done
something dumb?

mini megaphone:
you do not do "dumb"
things. you do illegal

when have i ever done
something dumb?

highnote ninja:
right, cuz searching for
ur phone while on a call
with me wasn't dumb🙃

a/n: have you ever done something dumb with absolutely no reason at all??? (make me feel better pls)

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