Chapter One:

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The sky is fairly blue today, the weather forecast called for a thunder storm tomorrow so i guess this is just the calm before the storm. Sister Mary's voice was only a soft murmur to me, her lecture today was dry and boring as usual so i tuned her out whenever i could. I felt a tap on my back from Alex, breaking me away from my day dream i turned over to him.

"What's up man?" I whispered softly trying not to be noticed by the sister.

Alex took off his glasses to revile his forest green eyes, he rarely took tem off except for when he was talking to me.

"Are we still having practice to night at my place?" he smiled at me softly.

"yeah of cores, i just have to grab my baby from my place the ill be on my way over."

Me and Alex are both musicians in out own band. we mostly just do overs of songs we find interesting so we tend t switch genera's often.

"Mr.Hill , is there something you would like to share with the class ?" We've been caught, Alex speaks up before i could. "Sorry sister, Jonathan was just helping me understand the passage we had for homework, sorry for disturbing you're class sister we did not mean to" and that was it. Alex had managed to get us out of trouble yet again with that quick thinking of his.

"Oh , well them. thank you Jonathan but next time do that during our free time . now face forward and finish the notes."

I gave Alex a sly grin , together we were a perfect team. Alex with his quick thinking and me with my creative ideas , we could get away with anything. ever since we were little it has always been that way.

Class dragged on and it felt  like it was years before the lunch bell finally rang. me and Alex quickly grabbed our things and zoomed out of the class and towards our lockers, if we were fast enough then we could avoid her...he the girl that has been obsessed with me since the 6th grade. The girl that whenever she sees e she will do anything to be as close to me as she can. not only was she clingy but she also didn't know when to shut up about her cheerleading and dogs. but we were to late, when me and Alex arrived at my locker she was already there, before we could hide she spotted us.

"Jonathan! here you are! I've been looking everywhere for you."

She approached us her brown curls bouncing as she traveled.

I sighed " Hey Stacy..."

"So have you heard, cheer get to go to nationals this year. isn't that great?!" Her voice made a little squeak as she spoke. '

I opened my locker only giving her the usual " Oh that's cool". I grabbed my lunch and closed my locker.

"So will you be able to come?"

"Oh, that's cool"

"Excuse me?"

Shit, iv been caught...

"Were you even listening to a word i said?" She was pissed, she ad the whole hand on the hip and everything. Alex choked back a laugh behind me as he closed his locker.

"Shut up Alex" I said with pleading eyes, if there was ever a time that i needed his smart mouth it was now.

"Sorry man, you're on your own with this one." he started to walk away " ll meet you in our usual spot for lunch"

"well Jonathan? are you going to answer me?" 

 "you were talking about cheer making it to state right?" i took a small step back.

"Wrong,  we made it to nationals. now since you didn't pay attention to me you have to hang out with me tonight . I'm going to this party and i need a date" she winked at me.

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