Chapter four

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Kai and I wake up at the same time. I try to get up but he pulls me back and hugs me tightly.

"How do you feel?" He whispers in my ear.

"I'm fine." I mumble as he rubs his hands on the side of my waist.

"Do you need me to stay another night?" He lets me go and sits up himself checking his watch.

"No it's okay." I give him a smile as I jump in the shower.

I get dressed after checking the time on my phone. I needed to be at work in twenty minutes.

He was finishing up getting dressed when I walked in. "What's the place called again that you work at?"

"Coffee Cravers." I smile.

We both finish getting dressed and head out. He offers to give me a ride to work.

"My boss asked me out on a date." I blurt out.

"Do you like him?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Absolutely not, he's just my boss. I would rather not have a personal relationship with him." I huff. "He snuck up on me last night when I was locking up and a held a dagger to his neck."

"A dagger?" He looks at me wide eyed. "And he still wants to take you out?"

I nod.

"Someone has the hots for his employee." He wiggles his eyebrows making me laugh.

"Shut up." I playfully push him.
Kai was on duty soon and wanted a cup of coffee to go. I say hi to Louis and he asks who my hot ass friend was. I shake my head at him and laugh. I fix his coffee and hand it to him. He gives me a hug and kiss on the cheek and tells me to have a good day.

"Call me tonight." He smiles before leaving.

I look over to see Carter, Mateo, and De'Vante all watching me. I didn't know they were here. They were wearing their usual black suits with black shades. I head over to their table.

"Hi. Do you guys know what you want?"

"So you're dating a pig?" Carter speaks first.

"Kai isn't a pig first of all and don't worry about who I date please." I glare.

"You were supposed to date me, beautiful." Mateo pokes out his bottom lip.

"I'm single, Mateo." I huff. "Do you guys know what you want?"

"Black Coffee." De'Vante says.

"I want that too." Carter states with an emotionless face.

I wish he showed some type of emotion beside anger. I wouldn't hurt to see a smile.

"I would like a hot cocoa with whipped cream." Mateo answers.

I take their menus and get their order done. On my way back to their table, David pops up and follows me. I hand them their beverages but it wasn't to go this time. I guess they had time to waste today. As soon as I turn around, David was face to face to me.

"Give her fucking space man." Carter speaks up.

David glares at him and backs up. "So six tonight right?"

I put a smile on my face and think about the raise. "Right!"

He turns around and heads back to his office humming.

"You're going on date with him? After I warned you about him?"

"Carter, I'll be okay." I begin to leave but he grabs my arm.

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